- Italy; they were displace by Latin. 古代意大利的一種絕跡的語(yǔ)言;被拉丁語(yǔ)取代。
- How much water I displace by getting into the tub?@ he asked himself. “我浸到大盆里以后,究竟有多少水排了出去?”他自言自語(yǔ)道。
- The indigenous population was soon displaced by the settlers. 沒(méi)過(guò)多久,外來(lái)移民就把當地人趕出了家園。
- Many people were forcibly displaced by the flood. 許多人被洪水逼得背井離鄉。
- Millions of refugees who were displaced by the war. 數以百萬(wàn)計的難民由于戰爭而離開(kāi)家園
- He was displaced by another young man. 他已被另一個(gè)年輕人頂替。
- Many employees were displaced by computers. 許多職員被計算機取代了。
- The refugees were displaced by the war. 戰爭使難民流離失所。
- LON (Local Operating Networks) is the one of the excellent Fieldbus, which is presented by Echelon company of USA in 1991. It provides a very strong way for the monitoring system. LON(Local Operating Networks)總線(xiàn)是其中一種優(yōu)秀的現場(chǎng)總線(xiàn)技術(shù),它是由美國Echelon公司1991年推出的局部操作網(wǎng)絡(luò ),為監控系統提供了很強的實(shí)現手段。
- Around 10000 people have been displaced by the fighting. 大約1萬(wàn)人因戰爭而背井離鄉。
- Check for roof tiles that have been displaced by the wind. 檢查一下屋頂上那些被風(fēng)刮得挪位的瓦。
- Gradually factory workers have been displaced by machines. 工廠(chǎng)的工人已逐漸被機器取代。
- The volunteers were displaced by a professional army. 志愿軍被正規軍替換。
- The volunteers were displaced by a professional army . 志愿軍被正規軍替換。
- The jobs in the factory were being displaced by robots. 工廠(chǎng)里的工作被機器人替代。
- Thousands of people have been displaced by civil war. 內戰使數以千計的人顛沛流離。
- Mission Oriented Unit Training by Echelon 完成任務(wù)所需的部隊梯次訓練
- People displaced by Thursday's storm began the cleanup early Friday. 星期五早晨,在昨夜的暴雨中轉移出去的人們,開(kāi)始做清理掃除的工作。
- Employees displaced by outsourcing see it from a different perspective. 但因為工作外流而被別人取代的雇員們對此卻有不同的看法。
- The centre of gravity is displaced by a weight below the rotational axis. 調節旋轉軸之下的一個(gè)重物,使重心發(fā)生位移。