- Case management, Discourse analysis, social work. 關(guān)鍵詞個(gè)案管理、述分析、會(huì )工作。
- Discourse analysis is interpretative and explanatory. 話(huà)語(yǔ)分析是解釋性的。
- The linguist is studying the method of discourse analysis. 這位語(yǔ)言學(xué)家正在研究話(huà)語(yǔ)分析的方法。
- The discourse analysis is the characteristic of the systemic linguistics. 語(yǔ)篇分析是系統功能語(yǔ)言學(xué)有別于其它語(yǔ)言學(xué)流派的重要特征。
- Discourse analysis is one of the hot issues in current linguistic research. 摘要話(huà)語(yǔ)分析是近些年語(yǔ)言學(xué)研究的熱點(diǎn)。
- Intertextuality has been widely applied in the field of discourse analysis. 摘要互文分析理論己廣泛運用到語(yǔ)篇分析實(shí)踐中。
- Critical discourse analysis (CDA) as an'instrumental linguistics'was proposed by Fowler,Hodge and Kress in 1970s. 批評語(yǔ)篇分析也叫批評語(yǔ)言學(xué)是由福勒等語(yǔ)言學(xué)家在上個(gè)世紀70年代提出的。
- What is Decentering, Deconstruction, Determinism, Dialectical Materialism, Discipline, Discourse Analysis? (何謂去中心、解構、決定論、唯物辯證論、規訓、論述分析?)
- Transformational synonymy and lexical synonymy show important synonymous relationships in discourse analysis. 同義關(guān)系句在語(yǔ)篇分析中是一個(gè)重要內容。
- Two image schemas involving up-down and container are introduced and used in economics discourse analysis in my thesis. 本文主要用兩個(gè)意象圖式即上下圖式和容器圖式對經(jīng)濟話(huà)語(yǔ)進(jìn)行分析。
- The writer holds the opinion that Sinclair's interactive approach to discourse analysis deserves more attention today. 結合國內語(yǔ)篇分析研究的現狀,筆者認為辛克萊對語(yǔ)篇的動(dòng)態(tài)研究成果應當受到重視。
- Brown, G.& G.Yule., 1983. Discourse Analysis [M]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 黃國文,2001.;語(yǔ)篇分析的理論與實(shí)踐[M]
- Abstract: Halliday's systemic functional grammar provides theory for the text or discourse analysis. 摘要:韓禮德建構系統功能語(yǔ)法是為了給語(yǔ)篇分析提供理論。
- Translation research and practice need discourse analysis,so does translation of the Chinese medical paleography. 翻譯研究與實(shí)踐中離不開(kāi)語(yǔ)篇意識,醫古文翻譯同樣要體現語(yǔ)篇意識。
- Fairclough, N. (1995), Critical discourse analysis: The critical study of language, New York: Longman. 游美惠(2000);內容分析、文本分析與論述分析在社會(huì )研究的運用;調查研究;(8);5-42.
- Fairclough.Critical Discourse Analysis:The Critical Study of Language[M].New York:Lonman Publish,1995a. 辛斌.;批評語(yǔ)言學(xué)--理論與應用[M]
- Means of discourse and their impacts on language information constitute an important part of rhetoric, pragmatics and discourse analysis. 話(huà)語(yǔ)手段及其對語(yǔ)言信息的作用應該是修辭學(xué)、用學(xué)和話(huà)語(yǔ)語(yǔ)言學(xué)研究的重要內容。
- Whata linguist, through the application of the tools of discourse analysis, can see in a conversation is similar to what a doctor can see in an X-ray. 語(yǔ)言學(xué)家,以話(huà)語(yǔ)分析為工具,在對話(huà)里所看到的,和醫生在X光下所看到很相似。
- Since 1952 when Harris published the paper "Discourse Analysis", discourse analysis has had a history of more than 50 years. 自哈里斯于1952年發(fā)表題為“Discourse Analysis”(語(yǔ)篇分析)的論文至今,語(yǔ)篇分析已有50多年的歷史。
- Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) also called Critical Linguistics is aiming at exploring the relationships among language, ideology and power. 批評性話(huà)語(yǔ)分析,也稱(chēng)批評語(yǔ)言學(xué),旨在探究語(yǔ)言、意識形態(tài)以及權力的關(guān)系。