- The Director of Legal Aid may waive the upper financial eligibility limit in meritorious Bill of Rights cases. 法律援助署署長(cháng)也可行使酌情權,就理?yè)浞值娜藱喾ò冈V訟,豁免申請人的經(jīng)濟上限。
- Director of Audit conducted a value-for-money audit on provision of legal aid services. 審計署署長(cháng)就提供法律援助服務(wù)的事宜進(jìn)行衡工量值式審計。
- The director of Legal Aid has the responsibility to monitor the progress and expenditure of the cases assigned out. 法律援助署署長(cháng)有責任監察外判案件的進(jìn)度及開(kāi)支。
- The Director of Legal Aid has been appointed Official Solicitor under the Official Solicitor Ordinance since August 1, 1991. 自一九九一年八月一日起,法律援助署署長(cháng)按照《法定代表律師條例》獲委任為法定代表律師。
- The Director of Legal Aid has been appointed as the Official Solicitor under the Official Solicitor Ordinance since August 1, 1991. 自一九九一年八月一日起,法律援助署署長(cháng)依據《法定代表律師條例》獲委任為法定代表律師。
- The Director of Legal Aid has been appointed Official Solicitor under the Official Solicitor Ordinance since August 1,1991. 自一九九一年八月一日起,法律援助署署長(cháng)按照《法定代表律師條例》獲委任為法定代表律師。
- The council is chaired by a non-official who is not in the legal profession. Its members include lawyers,lay members and the Director of Legal Aid. 法律援助服務(wù)局由非官方的業(yè)外人士出任主席,成員包括律師、業(yè)外人士及法律援助署署長(cháng)。
- The director of Legal Aid has been appointed as the official solicitor under the Official Solicitor Ordinance since August 1,1991. 自一九九一年八月一日起,法律援助署署長(cháng)依據《法定代表律師條例》獲委任為法定代表律師。
- The council is chaired by a non-official who is not in the legal profession. Its members include lawyers, lay members and the Director of Legal Aid. 法律援助服務(wù)局由非官方的業(yè)外人士出任主席,成員包括律師、業(yè)外人士及法律援助署署長(cháng)。
- For the merits test, the applicant must satisfy the Director of Legal Aid that he has reasonable grounds for bringing or defending the civil proceedings. 在案情審查方面,申請人必須令法律援助署署長(cháng)信納他有充分理?yè)岢鲈V訟或抗辯。
- For the merits test,the applicant must satisfy the Director of Legal Aid that he has reasonable grounds for bringing or defending the civil proceedings. 在案情審查方面,申請人必須令法律援助署署長(cháng)信納他有充分理?yè)岢鲈V訟或抗辯。
- During the visit, the Director of Legal Aid and his staff briefed both the incoming and existing members on legal aid and on the work of the department. 是次訪(fǎng)問(wèn),法律援助署署長(cháng)及其員工向新成員及現有成員簡(jiǎn)介法律援助及法律援助署的工作。
- Notwithstanding the refusal of a legal aid application by the Director of Legal Aid, a judge may himself grant aid if the applicant has satisfied the means test. 即使法律援助署署長(cháng)拒絕申請人的申請,但假如申請人能通過(guò)經(jīng)濟審查,則可由法官批準給予法律援助。
- The Director of Legal Aid may waive the upper financial eligibility limit in meritorious cases involving the Hong Kong Bill of Rights or an inconsistency with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights as applied to Hong Kong. 如案件涉及《香港人權法案》或抵觸《公民權利和政治權利國際公約》適用于香港的部分,只要理?yè)浞?,法律援助署署長(cháng)可行使酌情權,免除申請人必須符合上述經(jīng)濟資格上限的有關(guān)規定。
- There is no provision for appeal against the Director of Legal Aid's refusal to grant legal aid in criminal cases (except for appeals to the Court of Final Appeal) on grounds of means or merits. 法律援助署署長(cháng)可基于經(jīng)濟或案情理由拒絕批準刑事訴訟法律援助申請,目前并無(wú)法例容許有關(guān)申請人提出上訴(向終審法院提出上訴的案件除外)。
- The Director of Legal Aid has the discretion to grant legal aid in a criminal case even if the applicant's financial resources exceed the means test limit if he is satisfied that it is desirable in the interests of justice to do so. 在審批刑事訴訟法律援助申請時(shí),法律援助署署長(cháng)如信納給予申請人法律援助有助維護公義,則即使申請人的財務(wù)資源超出上限,署長(cháng)仍可運用酌情權批準給予法律援助。
- Thomas KWONG, Assistant Director of Legal Aid 鄺寶昌,法律援助署助理署長(cháng)
- Alice CHUNG, Assistant Director of Legal Aid 鍾綺玲,法律援助署助理署長(cháng)
- The choice of lawyer in criminal cases rests solely with the Director of Legal Aid, who may take an aided person's nomination into account in selecting a suitable lawyer to represent him. 在刑事案件中,法律援助署署長(cháng)全權為受助人選擇適合的代表律師,但也可以叁考受助人的選擇。
- The choice of lawyer in criminal cases rests solely with the Director of Legal Aid,who may take an aided person's nomination into account in selecting a suitable lawyer to represent him. 在刑事案件中,法律援助署署長(cháng)全權為受助人選擇適合的代表律師,但也可以參考受助人的選擇。