- This is supported by vigorous enforcement action by the Customs and Excise Department. 海關(guān)雷厲執法,配合這個(gè)許可證制度。
- Police and the Customs and Excise Department made 12 483 arrests for narcotics offences,compared with 14 827 in 1996. 警方和海關(guān)拘捕涉及毒品罪行的疑犯共12483名,一九九六年則有14827人。
- The Customs and Excise Department has been participating in the Committee on Trade and Investment (CTI) and the Sub-Committee on Customs Procedures (SCCP) since March 1993. 自一九九三年三月起,香港海關(guān)一直參與貿易及投資委員會(huì )和海關(guān)程序小組委員會(huì )的事務(wù)。
- The Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department takes part actively in WCO business. It also participates in the organisation's Policy Commission. 香港海關(guān)積極參與世界海關(guān)組織的工作,同時(shí)也是該組織的政策委員會(huì )委員。
- The laboratory regularly analyses samples submitted from the Customs and Excise Department for classification under the Import and Export (Strategic Commodities) Regulations. 化驗所經(jīng)常為香港海關(guān)進(jìn)行樣品測試,根據《進(jìn)出口(戰略物品)規例》,確定樣品的類(lèi)別。
- The Hong Kong Customs Excise Department has implemented a new clearance system at all entry points. 香港海關(guān)已在所有入境管制站,實(shí)施全新的旅客清關(guān)系統
- All of you on parade today have taken a good decision to join the Customs and Excise Department. 今天叁加會(huì )操的人員,服飾整齊,英姿奮發(fā),不但表現出你們以身為海關(guān)人員而感到自豪,同時(shí)亦反映出導師對你們的悉心教導。
- Police and the Customs and Excise Department made 12 483 arrests for narcotics offences, compared with 14 827 in 1996. 警方和海關(guān)拘捕涉及毒品罪行的疑犯共12483名,一九九六年則有14827人。
- Your company's registration number is the number of Customs and Excise Department? 中譯英:你公司的海關(guān)注冊號是多少?
- Our Customs and Excise Department operates an Intellectual Property Investigation Bureau specialising in the criminal enforcement aspects of intellectual property protection. 香港海關(guān)設有版權及商標調查局,專(zhuān)責有關(guān)保護知識產(chǎn)權在刑事方面的執法工作。
- The Customs and Excise Department will introduce a computer system to enhance the efficiency in processing Outward Processing Arrangement cargoes. 香港海關(guān)由五月三十一日起采用電腦系統,以提高處理外地加工措施貨物的清關(guān)效率。
- Once, I had to answer a question about the actions taken by the Customs and Excise Department to combat the sale of illicit cigarettes. 令我印象深刻的是那次回答一項有關(guān)海關(guān)打擊販賣(mài)私煙活動(dòng)的提問(wèn)。
- Vantaggioso per le imprese e il commercio (fabbricanti) per garantire che i clienti non sono fuori della Customs & Excise Department in alcun modo. 一貫以快捷、穩妥.;互惠互利的經(jīng)營(yíng)方式與貿易商(廠(chǎng)家)合作,保證客戶(hù)的產(chǎn)品進(jìn)出海關(guān)不受到任何影響。
- The Customs and Excise Department carries out spot checks and investigations to ensure that toys,children's products and consumer goods supplied in Hong Kong are safe. 香港海關(guān)進(jìn)行突擊檢查和調查,確保在香港出售的玩具、兒童產(chǎn)品及消費品符合安全標準。
- Besides, the Customs and Excise Department did not monitor the sales activities at the duty-free shops to ensure compliance with the licence conditions. 此外,香港海關(guān)并無(wú)監察免稅店的銷(xiāo)售活動(dòng),確保這些商店遵從牌照條例。
- The unit jointly operated by the Police and the Customs and Excise Department for handling suspicious transaction reports on money laundering and terrorist financing. 由香港警務(wù)處及香港海關(guān)聯(lián)合組成的小組,負責處理有關(guān)清洗黑錢(qián)及恐怖分子融資活動(dòng)的可疑交易報告。
- Marine Police and Customs and Excise Department arrested 11 persons and seized $1 million worth of suspected smuggled fresh water turtles on board two fishing vessels off PO Toi. 水警及海關(guān)在蒲臺島對開(kāi)海面兩艘漁船上拘捕十一人,并檢獲約值一百萬(wàn)元的懷疑走私水魚(yú)。
- For years, the Customs and Excise Department has established itself as an outstanding disciplinary force with an enviable reputation. Its distinguished record of service has commanded much respect in the community. 香港海關(guān)是一支享有良好聲譽(yù)的紀律部隊,一向工作表現出色,多年來(lái)獲得不少人士的贊賞。
- In 2001,the Customs and Excise Department investigated 185 cases of unlicensed import and export of strategic commodities and prosecuted 39 offenders,resulting in fines amounting to $1.2 million. Goods valued at $1.7 million were seized and confiscated. 2001年內,海關(guān)調查了185宗未領(lǐng)許可證而進(jìn)口或出口戰略物品的案件,檢控了39名違法者,判處的罰款共達120萬(wàn)元,檢獲和充公的戰略物品共值170萬(wàn)元。
- In July 2000,under the name of'Hong Kong,China',the Customs and Excise Department was elected the Vice-Chairman of the WCO representing the Asia Pacific Region for a term of one year,and was re-elected in July 2001 for another term of one year. 二零零零年七月,香港海關(guān)以“中國香港”的名義當選世界海關(guān)組織代表亞太地區的副主席,任期一年;其后又于二零零一年七月再度當選,連任一年。