This decline is soon reflected in the yield of crops. 這種下降馬上反映到作物產(chǎn)量上。
"A sweet temper" is a figurative expression, but "sweet coffee" is not. "甜蜜的性情"是個(gè)比喻的說(shuō)法,而"甜咖啡"則不是。
Farmers can lose rather than gain if incomes fluctuate because of variations in crop yields and outputs-stable prices can then destabilize incomes. 農作物產(chǎn)量和產(chǎn)值的變化如果引致收入波動(dòng),這對農民來(lái)說(shuō)就可能是有害無(wú)益,因為穩定了價(jià)格可能穩定不了收入。
This paper discusses the construction and the computation of quotient space, and the application for yield forecast.Finally, the experimental result is satisfied. 該文主要描述了商空間粒度的構建和計算并應用于農作物產(chǎn)量的預測,通過(guò)實(shí)驗取得了很好的確定結果。