In the author's eyes, ESP, closely matching teaching content to learner requirement, seems to be the ideal answer in ELT to the charge of educational irrelevance and inappropriacy. 因為專(zhuān)門(mén)用途英語(yǔ)將教學(xué)內容與學(xué)習者的需求緊密結合了起來(lái),所以,作者認為,它是解決傳統英語(yǔ)教學(xué)中弊端問(wèn)題的理想方案。
Chapter Two points out that the most significant difference between ESP and EGP isthat an ESP course is based on needs analysis. 第二章闡述了特殊用途英語(yǔ)與通用英語(yǔ)最為根本的差異在于前者是以需要分析為基礎。