- Air Commander Home Defence Forces 空戰指揮官本土防御部隊
- "The Government's initial decision to send the Self Defence Forces was based on the wrong information," says Naoto Kan, the party's leader. “政府當初派出自衛軍是因為得到了錯誤的信息,”民主黨領(lǐng)導長(cháng)菅直人說(shuō)。
- GALATZ is manufactured in Israel by IMI, and is widely used by Israeli Defence Forces. GALATZ在以色列制造了IMI的,并廣為以色列國防軍使用。
- Joint defence; joint command of defence forces 聯(lián)合起來(lái)共同防御
- Defence Forces High Command Council; 國防部隊最高指揮委員會(huì );
- air defence forces battle command 防空兵作戰指揮仿真
- The Israel Defence Forces said the air raid was aimed at disrupting the shipment of weapons to Hizbollah guerrillas from Syria and Iran. 以色列國防軍稱(chēng)空襲是為了切斷從敘利亞和伊朗境內向真主黨武裝海運武器。
- Under agreements signed during Mr Rafsanjani's visit, Iran agreed to help train Sudan's version of the Revolutionary Guards, the Popular Defence Forces. 根據拉夫桑賈尼訪(fǎng)問(wèn)期間簽署的協(xié)議,伊朗承諾幫助訓練人民保衛部隊(PopularDefenceForces),即革命衛隊的蘇丹版本。
- naval coastal defence force tactics 海軍岸防兵戰術(shù)
- Thales Alenia Space has supplied the Sensor Electronic units forming the core of the Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), set to provide high-resolution radar imagery to the German defence forces. 泰利斯阿萊尼亞空間公司應用傳感器電子組件形成合成孔徑雷達(SAR)的核心部分,為德國國防部隊提供高分辨率的雷達圖像。
- This alarms many in Britain, a country seen as indispensable to the construction of a serious European defence force. 這使許多英國人心生警惕,因為英國被視為構建重要的歐洲防線(xiàn)不可或缺的國家。
- The Chief of the Defence Force, General Peter Cosgrove, has given the Government's plan his seal of approval. 防衛局長(cháng)彼特將軍,已正式批準了政府的計劃。
- At the same time they study an undergraduate program through UNSW, fully paid for by the Australian Defence Force. 與此同時(shí),他們研究本科計劃通過(guò)新南威爾士大學(xué),全額支付由澳大利亞國防軍。
- The Bahrain Defence Force maintains a garrison there, just to make sure that the Qataris don't suddenly get frisky. 巴林國防部隊在那里有一支衛戍部隊,目的是確??ㄋ柸瞬粫?huì )突然入侵。
- The answer is definitely yes," said Carl Thayer, a Southeast Asia expert with the Australian Defence Force Academy. 答案無(wú)疑是肯定的, ”泰勒說(shuō),卡爾,一個(gè)東南亞的專(zhuān)家與澳大利亞國防軍學(xué)院。
- Rwandese Defence Force High Command Council; 盧旺達國防部隊最高指揮委員會(huì );
- Command of Philippine Defence Force 菲律賓國防軍司令部
- In the footsteps of most of the world's modern armies, the Israel Defence Force is going to develop and operate lighter armoured vehicles, weighing around 35-40 tonnes. 在世界上大部分現代軍隊的前進(jìn)的腳步聲中,以色列國防軍將要研制以及使用重量在35到40噸的輕型裝甲車(chē)輛。
- Tanzania People's Defence Forces 坦桑尼亞人民國防軍
- Beiyang Navy is the earliest naval force of China. 北洋水師是中國最早的海軍部隊。