- He was commander of allied forces in Europe. 是駐扎在歐洲的聯(lián)盟部隊的總司令。
- Commander Allied Forces North Norway 北挪威盟軍部隊司令
- The Allied Forces fought withGermany. 盟軍跟德國交戰。
- Together, the allied forces set off for Luoyang. 然后,這支盟軍就向著(zhù)洛陽(yáng)進(jìn)發(fā)。
- He led the Allied forces during the war. 他在戰爭期間領(lǐng)導盟軍。
- The Allied Forces fought with Germany. 盟軍跟德國交戰。
- Damn Allied Forces! Shoot them down! 該死的聯(lián)合軍!擊落他們!
- Eight-Power Allied Forces commander in chief Waldersee had lived, during which accidentally caught fire, burning the Temple. 八國聯(lián)軍統帥瓦德西曾在此居住,其間不慎失火,將殿燒毀。
- The series charts Wellington"s progress from a shy boy to commander in chief of the allied forces of Europe, victor at Waterloo and ultimately Prime Minister. 在本系列片中,您會(huì )了解威靈頓如何從一個(gè)害羞的男孩成長(cháng)為歐洲聯(lián)軍的統領(lǐng),在滑鐵盧打敗拿破侖,并最終登上首相的寶座。
- He led the Allied forces in the campaign in North Africa. 在北非的戰役中,他率領(lǐng)盟軍。
- Germany made overtures of peace to the Allied Forces. 德國向盟軍提出和平建議。
- They supported the communications of the Allied Forces. 這些衛星保障了多國部隊的通信暢通無(wú)阻。
- Ensure the safety of the allied forces for the allotted time. 保護自己的地面力量直到時(shí)間結束。
- In 1943, Allied forces captured Naples during World War Two. 1943年,在世界大戰二期間聯(lián)軍奪取了那不勒斯。
- We allowed combined allied forces to gang up against them. 我們允許各路聯(lián)軍聯(lián)合起來(lái)抵擋他們。
- Allied forces crumbled before the wehrmacht meat grinder. 盟軍在德國國防軍絞肉機面前出現潰敗。
- Douglas MacArthur(1880--1964), American general, commander of Allied forces in the south-west Pacific during World War II, and Commander of the occupation of Japan and of United Nations forces in Korea. 道格拉斯 - 麥克阿瑟(1880-1964),美軍將領(lǐng),二戰中任西南太平洋地區盟軍最高統帥,還擔任過(guò)駐日本占領(lǐng)軍司令員和朝鮮聯(lián)合國部隊司令員。
- After the Normandy Landing the allied forces won one victory after another. 諾曼底登陸成功后,盟軍軍威大震。
- In the battle of Normandy, the Allied Force had the day. 諾曼底之戰,盟軍奏凱。
- Cobra unit took part in The Battle of Normandy, Allied Forces' side. “眼鏡蛇”特種部隊以聯(lián)軍身份參與諾曼底戰爭。