- 鈾235反應堆an U235 burner
- 在U-235中缺少中子似乎給予U-235原子一種奇異的不穩定性。The shortage of neutrons in U-235 seems to give its atoms a strange sort of instability.
- H.235H.235
- 0.235鋼Q235 steel
- 核反應堆的燃料被鈾235濃縮。The fuel was enriched with uranium 235 for the nuclear reactor.
- 可以認為表中所列數據同樣適用于鈾-233、鈾-235或钚-239。The results in the table may be taken as being applicable to either uranium233, uranium-235, or plutonium-239.
- JT-235浮選劑JT-235
- 制造原子彈,我們必須用鈾235,因為軸的所有原子都會(huì )裂變。To make an atomic bomb we have to use uranium 235, in which all the[/url] atoms are available for fission.
- 四年來(lái)5歲以下兒童死亡共損失3 235.5個(gè)DALY(失能調整生命年)。3 235.5 DALY were lost during 4 years.
- 你能幫我接235號房嗎?Would you connect me with room number 235?
- 英格蘭隊5名擊球手共得235分.England made 235 for 5.
- 新式剖宮產(chǎn)術(shù)235例臨床體會(huì )Clinical Experience for 235 Cases of New Cesarean Operation
- 都本業(yè),等.吸煙對肺巨噬細胞功能的影響.中華結核和呼吸系疾病雜志1988;11:235.Holdal JR, et al. Lung Phagocyte recruitment and metabolic alterations induced by cigarette smoke in human and hamsters. Am Rev Respir Dis 1982; 126: 648.
- 235這是個(gè)十分有趣的假設。That is a very interesting hypothesis .
- 拔牙創(chuàng )異常出血235例臨床分析Clinical analysis of 235 cases of abnormal bleeding in the le sion of dental extraction
- 劍形針針刺為主治療頸椎病235例Treatment of Cervical Spondylopathy Mainly by Arrow-Shaped Needle in 235 Cases
- 你能占有(建立)航向235嗎?Can you take up heading 235?
- 納粹的那些設備精良的軍用工廠(chǎng)很可能會(huì )向那瘋狂的元首提供足夠的U-235炸彈。The superb Nazi war plants were likely to furnish the lunatic Fuhrer with enough U-235 bombs.
- 235例髓核摘除術(shù)手術(shù)指征與療效回顧The review in the sign of operation and curative effect of 235 cases discectomy
- 腹腔鏡下輸卵管傘部成形術(shù)235例報告Plastic operation of salpingian fimbria under video laparoscope: Reports of 235 cases