- RE-Ni-Mo-P-WCRE - Ni - Mo - P - WC
- DU對DU-pair
- 研究在RN中的一般形式的P-拉普拉斯方程-div(|Du|p-2Du)=f(x,u)(N>P>1).The equation -div?(|Du|??p-2?Du)=f(x,u)(N>p>1)? on ?R?N? as a general equation of the P-laplacian type is considered.
- Du血型抗體Blood group antibody Du
- 通過(guò)調整合金成分分別配置了添加Sb ,Re ,Al 5Ti B ,P等變質(zhì)劑的試驗用AHS合金 .AHS alloys with addition of Sb, Re, Al Ti B and P were prepared by adjusting the components of the alloys.
- Du血型抗原Blood group antigen Du
- "pin"中"p"的送氣發(fā)音the aspiration of "p" in "pin"
- Ir/Reiridium/rhenium
- 貧鈾(DU)Depleted Rranium (DU)
- 他在文件上簽上姓名的首字母G.P.S。He initialed the paper G.P.S.
- Carte du Ciel (法)照相天圖
- di/dt和du/dt檢測Detection of d i/d t and d u/d t
- p-n 結p-n junction
- Pphosphorus (P)
- Martin du Pan-Rutishauer病Martin du Pan-Rutishauer disease
- P圈P-cycle
- 將軍鋼構雕藝du鋼玻地彈門(mén)1827Jiangjun steel-carving art du Steel glass floor spring door 1827
- P型p-type
- 玉米淀粉修飾基因du的RAPD標記研究RAPD Markers of Starch-Modified Gene du in Maize
- P光p-component