- The Christian Democrats, the CDU have lost their majority in Saarland, state on the French border. 德國基督教民主聯(lián)盟 (CDU) 在與法國邊境的薩爾蘭州失去大多數選票。
- GERMANY'S grand coalition is supposedly a union of the centre-right Christian Democrats (CDU) and their left-leaning foes, the Social Democrats (SPD). 德國的大聯(lián)合政府一般認為是中間偏右的基督教民主聯(lián)盟(CDU)和他們的左派對手社會(huì )民主黨(SPD)的聯(lián)合。
- The script for the next two years calls for the Christian Democrats (CDU) and Social Democrats (SPD) to live together until they disband to fight each other in a federal election by September 2009. 在今后兩年的大戲中,基督教民主黨和社會(huì )民主黨仍不得不在大聯(lián)盟中勾心斗角,直到最晚將會(huì )在2009年9月舉行的聯(lián)邦選舉。
- A coalition of Christian Democrats and Liberals broke down. 基督教民主黨和自由黨的聯(lián)盟垮臺了。
- He is Flemish and a member of Belgium's conservative Christian Democrat party. 范龍佩是佛蘭德人,也是比利時(shí)保守派基督教民主黨的成員。
- THE Christian Democratic Union (CDU) ruled Hesse and Lower Saxony before the state elections on January 27th.It remains the largest party in both. 在1月27日之前,基督教民主聯(lián)盟一直掌握著(zhù)黑森和薩克森兩州的支持率。
- It came after three state elections had given a glimmer of hope to the SPD, trailing Ms Merkel's Christian Democratic Union (CDU) by over ten points. 三州選舉結果拖了默克爾的基民盟十多個(gè)百分點(diǎn)的后腿,這讓社民黨看到了些許希望之光。
- It proved to be a fateful decision for the moderately conservative Christian Democrats. 這對于溫和保守派基督教民主黨來(lái)說(shuō),是一個(gè)致命的決定。
- But the Christian Social Union (CSU), the Bavarian wing of Ms Merkel's Christian Democratic Union (CDU), has seized on the proposed new law to pander to Eurosceptic voters. 但是基督教社會(huì )聯(lián)盟和總統默克爾女士的基督教民主聯(lián)盟的巴伐利亞邦利用新的立法提案來(lái)迎合反親歐派選民。
- The forming of an electoral coalition between the two parties was a new blow to the beleaguered Christian Democrats. 這兩個(gè)黨在大選中結盟,使四面楚歌的基督教民主黨再次遭受打擊。
- Ms Merkel is from the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), but her grand-coalition partner, the Social Democratic Party (SPD), also disappoints pro-Europeans. 默克爾女士是基督教民主聯(lián)盟(CDU)的成員,而與CDU聯(lián)合執政的社會(huì )民主黨(SPD)在歐盟一體化的支持者中也不得民心。
- In the Netherlands too, the largest party, the Christian Democrats, is in the EPP. 荷蘭最大的政黨基督教民主黨也是歐洲人民黨的一員。
- And she is hobbled politically because her centre-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU) is in a “grand coalition” with the centre-left Social Democratic Party (SPD). 并且她正受到自己所在的中右翼的基督教民主聯(lián)盟(基民盟)與中左翼的社會(huì )民主黨(社民黨)組成的“大聯(lián)盟”的困擾。
- The “grand coalition” of Germany's two biggest parties, the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and the left-leaning Social Democratic Party (SPD), has been voted out of office. 德國兩個(gè)最大的政黨基督教民主聯(lián)盟和左傾社會(huì )民主黨的“大聯(lián)合”被選下了臺。
- Helmut Kohl, the former head of the opposition Christian Democrats criticized Schroeder's program as empty rhetoric. 反對派督教民主黨前領(lǐng)導人科爾批評施羅德的計劃是空洞的口號。
- Besides, although an influx of conservative Christian Democrats would make the governing majority bigger, it would also make it more discordant. 除此之外,盡管讓保守傾向的基民黨“入伙”可以擴大陣營(yíng),但也可能會(huì )使中左陣線(xiàn)里面出現不和諧的聲音。
- Others, including Mrs Merkel, a Christian Democrat, are doing their best to hide their scepticism. 包括屬于基督教民主黨人默克爾在內的其他人,正盡最大努力掩蓋他們的懷疑。
- But there are plenty of Christian Democrats in Europe who boast privately that the turmoil provides satisfying vindication of their disdain for “Anglo-Saxon” neo-liberalism. 但在歐洲,有大量基督教民主黨人私下里夸耀,金融混亂令人滿(mǎn)意地證明了他們對“盎格魯-撒克遜”新自由主義的蔑視很正確。
- The Liberals and Christian Democrats have seemingly ruled out entering a government with the Progress Party, given their visceral dislike for the latter's policies. 鑒于自由黨和基督教民主黨內心深處并不喜歡進(jìn)步黨的政策,他們似乎不可能與進(jìn)步黨一起執政。
- Mr Steinmeier's Social Democratic Party (SPD) is trailing in the polls more than ten points behind Ms Merkel's Christian Democratic Union (CDU), its partner in the “grand coalition government”. 斯泰因邁爾所在的社會(huì )民主黨在民調中比分落后默克爾的基督民主聯(lián)盟十個(gè)點(diǎn),這兩個(gè)黨在“德國大聯(lián)合政府”中是搭檔。