- She also spent time watching planes at a nearby military airfield. 她還花時(shí)間觀(guān)察附近一個(gè)軍用機場(chǎng)的飛機。
- Development of Chinese Military Affairs. 中國軍事發(fā)展。
- Chinese military tackles drought crisis. 中國軍隊處理干旱危機.
- There is a red star symbol on the Chinese military cap. 我國軍人的帽子中間都有一顆紅五星。
- A flight carrying the flame from Jakarta arrived Wednesday at a military airfield outside the Australian capital. 載著(zhù)火炬的飛機星期三從雅加達飛抵澳大利亞首都郊外的一個(gè)軍用機場(chǎng)。
- Yuanyuan, there is another ancient Chinese military book.Do you know its name? 淵源,中國古代還有一部非常有名的兵書(shū)。你知道叫什么名字嗎?
- Freeman did say that Chinese military advances have affected Taiwan. 弗里曼曾經(jīng)說(shuō)過(guò),中國的軍事影響臺灣的進(jìn)步。
- WuQi was a Chinese military leader and politician in the Warring States period. 吳起是戰國時(shí)期的軍事家和政治家.
- MR. CHEN: I noticed that the report used some classic quotes which included a quote by a famous ancient Chinese military thinker Sun Tzu. 陳:我注意到你的報告中引用了一些傳統的格言,其中包括中國古代著(zhù)名軍事思想家孫子的名言。
- At the moment,38 Chinese military observers are still serving with UNTSO,UNIKOM,MINURSO and UNAMSIL. 目前,中國仍有38名軍事觀(guān)察員分別在"聯(lián)合國停戰監督組織"、"聯(lián)合國伊拉克-科威特觀(guān)察團"、"聯(lián)合國西撒哈拉公民投票特派團"和"聯(lián)合國塞拉利昂特派團"4 個(gè)任務(wù)區執行任務(wù)。
- If the test is verified it will signify a major new Chinese military capability. 這次試驗如得到證實(shí),將顯著(zhù)提高中國的軍事實(shí)力。
- If the asat test is verified, it will signify a major new Chinese military capability. 如果該試驗被核實(shí),就標志著(zhù)中國擁有了一項新的軍事能力。
- As the Chinese military leaders have been weighing the question: have the national carrier will give what the burden? 由于中國軍方領(lǐng)導人一直在權衡這樣的問(wèn)題:擁有航母會(huì )給國家帶來(lái)什么樣的負擔?
- But as the root of Chinese military culture, it still influences the afterworld a lot. 其中,軍禮的涵蓋很廣,它包括了平時(shí)治軍、戰時(shí)作戰和戰后班師、獻俘等各方面的禮儀。
- But it is a pity, the Chinese military expenses obviously already became the West to say matter's object, hypes topic. 但遺憾的是,中國軍費顯然已經(jīng)成了西方說(shuō)事的對象、炒作的話(huà)題。
- The ASAT test intensifies the concern of those who already find plenty to worry about in Chinese military literature. 這場(chǎng)反衛星試驗加重了一些人的關(guān)注,他們已經(jīng)在中國的軍事文學(xué)中發(fā)現了令他們擔憂(yōu)的大量材料。
- At the end of the First World War, the decision was taken to combine the two military airfields. 一戰末期,作出了將這兩個(gè)軍用機場(chǎng)合并的決定。
- However, he acknowledged the high levels of resistance and scepticism, especially among the Chinese military. 不過(guò)他承認,中國存在高度的阻力與懷疑,尤其是在中國軍方。
- The measure has given the Chinese military an opening in Latin America for the first time. 這項法律給了中國軍隊機會(huì ),讓他們第一次在拉丁美洲打開(kāi)了市場(chǎng)。
- The PAR-2000 modernization program is designed to enhance supportability of the system deployed at military airfields throughout Brazil. PAR-2000現代化計劃的目的是,增強部署在巴西軍用機場(chǎng)的PAR-2000精確著(zhù)陸雷達系統的支撐能力。