- Finally, trying to discuss the necessity and possibility of the Codification of the Chinese Civil Law briefly. 最后本文嘗試性地對中國民法法典化的必要和可能做了一個(gè)簡(jiǎn)單的論述。
- Compared with the modern civil law system that divides property rights between jus in rem and aes suum, the right of“ye”seems more inclusive. 與現代民法將財產(chǎn)權劃分為物權和債權的體系相比較,業(yè)權似乎具有更大的包容性。
- Thirdly, any incompleteness of legal personality can be corrected through the civil law system. 第三,任何法律人格的不完整都可以通過(guò)民法制度來(lái)補正。
- Juristic act, which was created by jurist of Germany historical school of law, is praised highly in civil law system. 德國歷史法學(xué)派法學(xué)家創(chuàng )造的法律行為理論在大陸法系民法學(xué)中倍受推崇。
- This article hackles in detail the origin of Chinese civil law in modern times,especially points out the process and profoundness of transforming from civil precept to civil law. 本文即較為詳盡地梳理了漢語(yǔ)“民法”在近代的緣起,尤其指出了“民律”至“民法”轉化的過(guò)程及蘊意。
- Because of the importance of the incorporation, common law system and civil law system all build strict statutes. 鑒于公司設立制度之重要地位,創(chuàng )設嚴格的制定法根據是英美法系與大陸法系共同的認識。
- Chinese civil Law inherited the core contents of the common law theory of expressing ,and try to develop with the combination of Chinese state condition. 中國民法繼承了大際法系意思表示理論的核心內容,并力圖在司法實(shí)踐中結合中國的國情而有所發(fā)展。
- So far in civil law system, the equivalent causality theory has been the most popular among all the other causality theories. 大陸法系關(guān)于侵權責任因果關(guān)系的通說(shuō)為相當因果關(guān)系理論。
- In the common law system, it is mainly shows in the injunction sysytem, in the civil law system,it it is maily shows in the einstwelivergung. 在英美法系主要體現在中間禁令制度中,而在大陸法系則主要體現在假處分制度中。
- In civil law system ,absorbing the theory of omission criminal law, the judge viewing it from the angle of damage"s foreseeability and avoidable . 在大陸法系,羅馬法時(shí)代適用“良家父”即謹慎管理人的標準,發(fā)展至現代,多借鑒刑法過(guò)失理論,從結果可預見(jiàn)、可避免的角度分析。
- Guardianship is not only a household system centered on paternity on the basis of Roam law, but a very important civil law system. 監護制度是在羅馬法的基礎上建立起來(lái)的以父權為中心的家庭制度,是一項重要的民事法律制度。
- The countries of Civil Law System have relatively perfect retrial procedure.Their retrial procedure can be divided into German model and French model. 大陸法系國家具有比較完備的再審制度,可分為德國模式和法國模式;
- This aricle traces back the development and bases of causality theories in civil law system, and analyzes the possibility of establishing similar theory in China. 文章回顧了大陸法系這一理論的來(lái)源與根基,并分析該理論為中國侵權法服務(wù)的可能性。
- Regardless of whether a common law system or civil law system prevails; the "duty of explanation" should be at the heart of providing an effective deterrent to corruption. 不論在普通法還是民事法的體制下,“解釋責任”均能收阻嚇之效。
- Then, the countries or areas of civil law system, such as Germany, France, Japan and TaiWan of our country established this system and radicate its juridical status. 之后,大陸法系國家和地區如德國、法國、日本和我國臺灣地區都相繼確立了這種制度的法律地位。
- In the traditional Civil Law system the right of citizen set the limitation of the power of nation while in china the power of nation set the limitation of the right of ... 我國民法的民族主義色彩啟示我們,以自由主義為背景的西方傳統民法理論是無(wú)法正確解釋和指導我國的民法實(shí)踐的,我國民法有自己的發(fā)展方向。
- Developing Course of Chinese Civil Law 論我國民法的發(fā)展歷程
- As a unique concept in civil law system, the reversion of burden of proof is connected with strict liability closely, requiring synergy between substantive law and procedure law. 本文闡明證明責任倒置是大陸法系特有的概念;繼而闡明證明責任倒置與民法中嚴格責任密切相關(guān),需要民事實(shí)體法和民事訴訟法共同協(xié)作;
- Thought of Methods in Studying Chinese Civil Law 對中國民法學(xué)研究方法的思考
- Mortgage is right transfer warranty type in Anglo-American legal system,it has similar as well as different with warranty of cession in civil law system. 按揭是英美法中的權利移轉型擔保,它與大陸法系的讓與擔保既有相似之處又有一些不同。