- Besides having relatively large representativeness, my research that is based on China’s security market has two other reasons as follows. 作為新興市場(chǎng)的中國證券市場(chǎng),由于其本身固有的特質(zhì),使得其成為行為金融學(xué)的最佳例證。
- China' s securities market 中國證券市場(chǎng)
- China securities market yearbook II. 中國證券統計年報2。
- Does China's Securities Market Have Property- Creating Effect? 中國股市有財富效應嗎?
- The title of my thesis is "a look at China's securities market". 我這篇論文的題目是《中國證券市場(chǎng)探析》。
- Unit 1 Why do Securities Markets Exist? 單元1證券市場(chǎng)為什么存在?
- Herd behavior is an anomaly in securities market. 羊群效應是證券市場(chǎng)的一種異象。
- Mary Schapiro, the chairman of America’s Securities and Exchange Commission, called for an “intense review” of the function of credit-rating agencies in the markets. 證券交易管理委員會(huì )主席瑪麗夏皮羅要求對信用評級機構的作用“加大檢查力度”。
- UNIX OS's Security and User Management Strategy. UNIX操作系統安全機制與管理策略。
- China' s joining WTO indicates that the dome stic security market will scale -up a nd be gradually open to the world. 加入WTO,意味著(zhù)中國證券市場(chǎng)規模將迅速擴大,對外資開(kāi)放程度將逐漸提高。
- The securities market should be further standardized and developed. 進(jìn)一步規范和發(fā)展證券市場(chǎng)。
- Structural optimization and institutional innovation of China securities market II. 中國證券市場(chǎng)結構優(yōu)化與制度創(chuàng )新2。
- Therefore, it is the focus of this paper on how to accomplish the retracking of China"s securities company at present stage, and to solve self-chronic-illness in the process of its development. 因此,我國的證券公司如何在現階段有效地實(shí)現轉型,在發(fā)展的過(guò)程中解決自身的痼疾是本文探討的中心。
- Meanwhile, China's securities market invalid points or inefficient points, arbitrage opportunities fertile. 另外,目前,中國證券市場(chǎng)無(wú)效點(diǎn)或低效點(diǎn)多,套利機會(huì )肥沃。
- Abstract: This paper studies the limits on China securities market by analytical comparison. 摘要:本篇論文利用對比分析的方法討論了實(shí)行漲跌停板對我國證券市場(chǎng)的影響。
- In recent years, apparent progress was seen in Taiwan and China's efforts to internationalize their local securities markets. 兩岸證券市場(chǎng)近年來(lái)均積極進(jìn)行國際化,并已獲致初步成果。
- Third, perfect the structure of security market. 完善證券市場(chǎng)結構;
- Article 31. CSRC and SAFE should annually review QFII's Securities Investment Licence and Foreign Exchange Registration Certificate. 第三十一條中國證監會(huì )和國家外匯局應當對合格投資者的證券投資業(yè)務(wù)許可證、外匯登記證進(jìn)行年檢。
- The security market shows some trace of the bubble. 證券市場(chǎng)最近有些虛熱的跡象。
- Mowaffak al-Rubaie, Iraq’s security advisor, denied the allegation. 伊拉克政府安全顧問(wèn)阿爾-魯貝葉否認了守墓人的這一說(shuō)法。