- Knowledge of international trade and China customs practice. 熟悉國際貿易和中國海關(guān)實(shí)務(wù)。
- China Customs let them pass based on the import and export goods sufferance signed by the port checking officers. 海關(guān)憑出入境檢驗檢疫部門(mén)出具的進(jìn)出境貨物通關(guān)單辦理驗放手續。
- Vice Director of China Customs, Mr Gongzheng is investigating SND-EPZ and praising the achievements. 海關(guān)總署副署長(cháng)龔正視察,盛贊蘇州高新區出口加工區取得的成績(jì)。
- China Customs is sensitive to all wooden products imported from U.S./Japan/Korea/EU. 中國海關(guān)對美/日/韓/歐盟進(jìn)口來(lái)的木質(zhì)品比較敏感。
- China Customer Management Forum during their membership year. 在會(huì )員年度期限。
- Experience on spare parts, POSM purchasing and China Custom clearance will be better. 有相應設備備件或商務(wù)促銷(xiāo)禮品采購,有海關(guān)清關(guān)經(jīng)驗者優(yōu)先。
- Under the new CCAM regulation, the manifest submission is required on top of the existing custom procedure until the further notice of China Customs. 根據新的CCAM規定,艙單申報須在現有申報程序的基礎上,通過(guò)新的系統進(jìn)行申報。
- Other importation fees and THC are charged by China Customs &Quarantine and terminal port,is subject to the current situation. 其它進(jìn)口環(huán)節費用(包括中國海關(guān)、商檢及碼頭所產(chǎn)生的費用)按實(shí)際產(chǎn)生費用收取。
- China Customs may request for further related documents it deems necessary to be furnished should imported goods have transited from other countries or regions. 經(jīng)過(guò)其他國家或者地區運輸的進(jìn)口貨物,還應當提交中國海關(guān)認為必要的有關(guān)文件。
- Last December, PTO officials stationed in Guangzhou participated with China Customs officials from Guangdong Province in a training program on how to identify counterfeit goods. 去年12月,美國專(zhuān)利商標局駐廣州的官員與廣東省的海關(guān)官員合作舉辦了一個(gè)關(guān)于如何鑒別假冒商品的培訓。
- China Customs launched the nationwide clearance reform on January 1, 2001, which has not only reinforced the inter-conditioning between various segments of the clearance procedure, but also enhanced clearance efficacy. 通關(guān)作業(yè)改革今年1月1日起在中國海關(guān)全面推廣,不僅強化了通關(guān)各環(huán)節的監督制約,而且提高了通關(guān)效率。
- In addition, China Customs has been active in providing classification-related consulting services and trying to avoid any delay of the clearance of import goods due to reasons of misclassification. 中國海關(guān)積極為企業(yè)提供出口歸類(lèi)咨詢(xún)服務(wù),認真執行出口商品預歸類(lèi)制度,努力避免因歸類(lèi)問(wèn)題延誤出口通關(guān)。
- For a long time, China Customs has taken it as its primary tasks to enhance clearance efficiency, lower clearance costs and give full support to the growth of foreign trade export, and made unremitting efforts in various aspects. 長(cháng)期以來(lái),中國海關(guān)一直將提高通關(guān)效率、降低通關(guān)成本、支持擴大外貿出口作為海關(guān)工作的一項重要任務(wù),并進(jìn)行了多方面的不懈努力。
- Notify China Customs, that if they see her, get her right away, and if she still has family, find them, and beat their shameless children to death, so they don't hurt the Chinese people. 請通知中國海關(guān),如發(fā)現她,立刻弊了她,如果她還有家人,請找到她的家人,把這種無(wú)恥的子女打死了,免得害了中國人。
- Whether it's a strategy ” “ China customization or face-to-face service ” “, Canon is confident. 無(wú)論是“中國定制”戰略還是“面對面服務(wù)”,佳能都是有信心的。
- We have directly apologized to Dell China customers who were affected, and also informed them of the difference between the two processors. 我們直接向受到影響的中國消費者進(jìn)行道歉,并向他們解釋這兩款處理器的區別。
- All goods sells out to foreign country , before shipped , the company must report to CHINA CUSTOM . maybe so does other country . the goods can't be shipped until get CUSTOM perdition . 所有出口到國外的貨物,在裝運之前,公司必須向中國海關(guān)報關(guān),也許在其他國家也這樣。貨物只有在取得了海關(guān)的批準后方可裝運。
- Beijing is the capital of China. 北京是中國的首都。
- Mainland China customers can obtain a list of Authorized EAW Dealers and Installers by contacting Sanecore Audio Ltd. at +852 2581 9178. 中國大陸用戶(hù)可致電+85225819178獲取EAW產(chǎn)品在中國大陸地區的合法授權經(jīng)銷(xiāo)商/代理商明細列表。
- Job Responsibilities:-Responsible for all TCPD/PPD products engineering support for China customers in both Tier...... ... 公司名稱(chēng):上海唯訊人力資源有限公司工作地點(diǎn):上海市發(fā)布時(shí)間:2009-4-3