
[t?e?nd?]     [t?e?nd?]    
  • n. 變化;零錢(qián)
  • v. 改變
changed changed changing changes



n. (名詞)
  1. 變化,變更,改變
  2. 零錢(qián),輔幣,找零
  3. 變遷
  4. 更換,替換,更迭
  5. <口>絕經(jīng)(期),更年期
  6. 換車(chē)
  7. 交易所
  8. 改變看法
  9. 變換,變動(dòng)
  10. 改革
v. (動(dòng)詞)
  1. 改變,更改,更換,變更
  2. 換乘,換車(chē)
  3. 使變化
  4. 更衣,換衣服
  5. 換檔
  6. 交換,互換
  7. 替(嬰孩)換尿布或衣服
  8. 給(床)換床單
  9. 兌換(錢(qián)),把換成零錢(qián),把兌成現金
  10. 變革
  11. 變,變成,起變化
  12. 改換辦法
  13. 使不同
  14. 轉換
  15. 從一相位到另一相位
  16. 音域變得更低
  17. 過(guò)渡,更替


n. (名詞)
  1. [C]改變,變化 a thing that is different now
  2. [U]零錢(qián),硬幣 small pieces of money; coins
  3. [U]找回的錢(qián),找贖 money that you get when you have paid too much
v. (動(dòng)詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 改變 make or become different; make a transfer or conversion
  2. vt. & vi. 更換 take or put sth in place of another; substitute one thing for another; exchange
  3. vt. 兌換 give money in exchange for money of a different type


  1. an event that occurs when something passes from one state or phase to another;

    "the change was intended to increase sales"
    "this storm is certainly a change for the worse"
    "the neighborhood had undergone few modifications since his last visit years ago"

  2. a relational difference between states; especially between states before and after some event;

    "he attributed the change to their marriage"

  3. the action of changing something;

    "the change of government had no impact on the economy"
    "his change on abortion cost him the election"

  4. the result of alteration or modification;

    "there were marked changes in the lining of the lungs"
    "there had been no change in the mountains"

  5. the balance of money received when the amount you tender is greater than the amount due;

    "I paid with a twenty and pocketed the change"

  6. a thing that is different;

    "he inspected several changes before selecting one"

  7. a different or fresh set of clothes;

    "she brought a change in her overnight bag"

  8. coins of small denomination regarded collectively;

    "he had a pocketful of change"

  9. money received in return for its equivalent in a larger denomination or a different currency;

    "he got change for a twenty and used it to pay the taxi driver"

  10. a difference that is usually pleasant;

    "he goes to France for variety"
    "it is a refreshing change to meet a woman mechanic"

  1. cause to change; make different; cause a transformation;

    "The advent of the automobile may have altered the growth pattern of the city"
    "The discussion has changed my thinking about the issue"

  2. undergo a change; become different in essence; losing one's or its original nature;

    "She changed completely as she grew older"
    "The weather changed last night"

  3. become different in some particular way, without permanently losing one's or its former characteristics or essence;

    "her mood changes in accordance with the weather"
    "The supermarket's selection of vegetables varies according to the season"

  4. lay aside, abandon, or leave for another;

    "switch to a different brand of beer"
    "She switched psychiatrists"
    "The car changed lanes"

  5. change clothes; put on different clothes;

    "Change before you go to the opera"

  6. exchange or replace with another, usually of the same kind or category;

    "Could you convert my dollars into pounds?"
    "He changed his name"
    "convert centimeters into inches"
    "convert holdings into shares"

  7. give to, and receive from, one another;

    "Would you change places with me?"
    "We have been exchanging letters for a year"

  8. change from one vehicle or transportation line to another;

    "She changed in Chicago on her way to the East coast"

  9. become deeper in tone;

    "His voice began to change when he was 12 years old"
    "Her voice deepened when she whispered the password"

  10. remove or replace the coverings of;

    "Father had to learn how to change the baby"
    "After each guest we changed the bed linens"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. His perception of the change came in a flash.
  2. The change in the weather has mucked up our sports timetable.
  3. This is a tremendous change unparalleled in the history of China and of the world.
  4. The little boy reached in his pocket and pulled out some change.
  5. Can you break this one hundred dollar bill and give me some change?
用作動(dòng)詞 (v.)
  1. Please telephone me if you are to change the day of our meeting.
    如果你不得不改變我們會(huì )晤的日期,請給我打個(gè)電話(huà)。
  2. She had to change her way of life when her baby came on the scene.
  3. It is very serious and important, Why do you change horses in midstream.
  4. All our previous ideas are now in the melting-pot; our jobs are bound to change radically.
  5. If she has once set her face against a thing, nothing will persuade her to change her mind.


用作名詞 (n.)
a change of air
    易地療養,改變環(huán)境 different environment or climate
change of heart
    改變主意 change in one's feelings (often leading to a change of mind)
get no change out of
    從…得不到幫助、同情等 fail to get help, sympathy, etc. from
ring the changes
    用種種方法說(shuō)〔做〕 vary
small change
    零錢(qián) low-value coins; pocket money
用作動(dòng)詞 (v.)
change back (v.+adv.)
    (使)變回 (cause to) return from a changed form to (one's) former state
    change back from sth

    I hope you'll never change back from the person you have recently become.


    change back into sth

    Can I change back into my jeans now?


    We changed back into casual wear.


    Cats can never change back into kittens.

    老貓絕不會(huì )變成小貓。

    change back to sth

    They changed back to peacetime production.


    change sb/sth back into sth

    If you're not careful, the evil magician will change you back into the ugly creature that you used to be.

    你要是不小心的話(huà),那個(gè)邪惡的魔術(shù)師又會(huì )把你變回你原來(lái)的丑模樣。

change down (v.+adv.)
    放慢車(chē)速 change to a lower gear in a vehicle
    change down

    The driver changed down quickly.


    The driver changed down from third to second (gear).


    The car changed down just before turning.


    You'll have to change down to get up the next hill.


    change sth ? down

    You'd better change the car down.


change for (v.+prep.)
    (把…)換成,(以…)交換 exchange sth for sth
    change for sth

    We must change at the next station for Chicago.


    change for the better〔worse〕

    I hope the weather will soon change for the better.


    His fortune has changed for the worse.


    change sth for sth

    I changed the gourd for a glass bottle.


    He changed dollars for pounds.


    He changed his old bicycle for a new one.


    The boy changed soiled clothes for clean ones.


change from (v.+prep.)
    使從…變成 change sth/sb from a state to another
    change from sth

    I shall have to change from these wet clothes.


    change from sb/sth to sb/sth

    You'd better change from your light coat to your dark one.


    change sb/sth from sb/sth

    The beggar was changed from a prince.


    change from sb/sth to sb/sth

    Water may change from a liquid to a solid.


    The wind has changed from north to east.


    change sb/sth from sb/sth to sb/sth

    He changed his name from Johnson to Mohammed.


    The disease changed him from an athlete into an invalid.


change into (v.+prep.)
    (使)變?yōu)?(cause to) become; (cause to) turn into
    change into sth

    You'd better change into some dry clothes.


    You must change into a clean dress before we go out.


    It was very hot. I went upstairs and changed into a thinner dress.


    Just let me change into something informal.


    change into sth

    Then he took a piece of bread, and that also changed into gold.


    A caterpillar changed into a butterfly.


    He'd changed into a perfect miser.


    The Genie changed again into smoke.


    Ice changes into water rapidly on a hot day.


    change sb/sth into sb/sth

    School has changed the boy into a coward.


    The fairy changed the ugly old woman into a frog.


    I'd like to change these U.S. dollars into Renminbi.


    Water is a liquid, but we can change it into a solid. We can change it into a gas, too.


    The prince was changed into a beggar.


    Water is changed into steam by heating.


change off (v.+adv.)
    輪流敲鐘 take turns in bell ringing
    change off

    It's time for the ringers to change off.


change over (v.+adv.)
    調換 exchange places, activities, roles, etc.
    change over

    The mechanism changes over automatically.


    He used to drink tea at breakfast, but he's changed over to coffee.


    He wanted to change over to a more suitable job.


    In 1971 Britain changed over to decimal money.1971


    The industry has just changed over from steam to electricity.


    change sth ? over

    But you couldn't expect the capitalists to change over their machinery.

    但是你不可能指望那些資本家會(huì )更換他們的機器。

    They are prepared to change the plant over to production of precision instruments.


    change over

    Tell me if you get tired of driving and we'll change over.


    Let's change over next term: you teach second-grade English and I'll do the first-grade.


    change sth ? over

    If you change the words over, the sentence sounds better.


change round (v.+adv.)
    轉換,改變 alter, shift
change to (v.+prep.)
    變成,換成 cause sth to become sth; make a change to sth
    change to sb/sth

    I think you should change to a new doctor.


    You can change to a No.3 bus there.


    When matter changes to a substance different from what it was, the change is a chemical change.


    I am used to studying with Mr. Jones and therefore prefer not to change to another teacher.


    Wait till the light changes to green!


    The weather for tomorrow:Clear in the morning, changing to light overcast in the afternoon.


    change sth to sth

    I should like to change these pounds to dollars.


    The meeting has been changed to Monday.

    會(huì )議改到星期一舉行。

change up (v.+adv.)
    加快車(chē)速 change a car to a higher gear
    change up

    We asked the driver to change up.


    When you are going fast enough, you'll be able to change up.


    The driver changed up too soon and the car stalled.


    The driver changed up from third to top.


    Change up as soon as you can if you want to save petrol.


    change sth ? up

    Shall I change the car up?


change with (v.+prep.)
    與…對調 exchange one's whole life places, positions or roles, etc. with sb else
    change sth with sb

    Will you change places with me?I find it too hot in the sun.


    I wouldn't change places with him for anything;I'm happier the way I am.



用作名詞 (n.)
動(dòng)詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ ~+介詞
用作動(dòng)詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • Do you really see any change in me?

    出自: R. B. Sheridan
  • Her health was not good and she needed a change.

    出自: J. Rhys
  • He thrives on change, enjoys travel, new foods, [etc.].

    出自: A. Toffler
  • You changed your newspaper once and you soon got used to it.

    出自: G. Greene
  • She had not changed her clothes.

    出自: I. Murdoch
  • Stewie had changed his..Austin Seven for a..Ford V Eight.

    出自: J. Herriot
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