- Wulong gold deposit is situated on the conjoining section of Yinshan latitudinaStructural belt and Cathaysian structural beld and Neocathaysian structural system. 丹東五龍金礦位于陰山緯向帶、華夏系鴨綠江斷裂帶及新華夏系第二隆起帶的交匯部位。
- 9.Wulong gold deposit is situated on the conjoining section of Yinshan latitudinaStructural belt and Cathaysian structural beld and Neocathaysian structural system. 丹東五龍金礦位于陰山緯向帶、華夏系鴨綠江斷裂帶及新華夏系第二隆起帶的交匯部位。
- Study on the structural system of contemporary Chinese education II. 當代中國教育結構體系研究2。
- Establishment of Structural System of Gymnastic Teaching Material Contents in Institutes and Departments of P. E. 體育院系體操教材內容結構體系的建立。
- Knowledge of the material properties is a major requirement for the analysis of any structural system. 材料性能的知識是對任何結構系統進(jìn)行分析的主要要求。
- The eccentrically braced steel frame is a very popular seismic structural system in some strong earthquake zones. 摘要偏心支撐鋼框架結構體系是一種非常適合強震地區的抗震結構體系。
- Comprehending WBS and work breakdown structure system. 5理解WBS及工作分類(lèi)結構系統;
- The Honger coalfield is situated in the Neocathaysian structural system,faults are well developed. 紅格爾煤田是新華夏系構造體系的產(chǎn)物,斷層比較發(fā)育。
- This paper established a modal synthesis method directly using transfer functions for furcated structural system. 建立了一種直接利用傳遞函數對分叉結構進(jìn)行模態(tài)綜合的方法。
- The gold deposits in northern Guangxi are located on the southeastern margin of South China ancient land, at the intersection of Nanling EW-trending structure and Cathaysian structure. 桂北金礦( 化) 位于江南古陸南端的東南緣,南嶺東西向復雜構造帶與華夏系和新華夏系構造的交接部位。
- The basic principle plays the most basic guidance function in the structural system of the law. 摘要基本原則在法的結構體系中處于核心地位,起著(zhù)最根本的指導作用。
- The arc structural system, across the whole central China, consists of Qinhuai, Esu,Jiangyan, Chuzhe and Xianggan arcs. 華中弧形構造系橫跨整個(gè)華中地區,是一個(gè)由泰淮弧、鄂蘇弧、江沿弧、楚淅弧和湘贛弧共同組成的龐大的弧形構造系。
- A composite steel frame-reinforced concrete infill wall(abbreviation:SRCW) is a new composite structural system. 鋼框架-內填RC剪力墻結構體系(簡(jiǎn)稱(chēng):SRCW)是一種組合結構體系。
- The root loci analysis of the gyroscopic mechanical structural system controlled by a damper is presented. 對受粘性阻尼器控制的機械結構系統進(jìn)行了根軌跡分析,著(zhù)重研究了根軌跡分岔現象。
- Nevertheless, anarchist state does not mean a logic disorder but a structural system of international relations. 從人類(lèi)行動(dòng)的各個(gè)方面看,現代性都意味著(zhù)一個(gè)革命性標識。
- By representing the uncertain parameters as interval numbers, the governed equa tio ns of the structural system are obtained by means of the finite element method. 將結構系統中的不確定性參數用區間數來(lái)表示,用有限元法建立系統的控制方程。
- Kalman Filtering is used for suppressing the effect of random disturbances on the flexible structural system,and PID-NNC is used for realizing trajectory tracking. 這種新方法通過(guò)構造卡爾曼濾波來(lái)抑制隨機干擾對系統的影響,同時(shí)采用PID-NNC來(lái)實(shí)現饋源艙軌跡跟蹤。
- RC shear wall has been widely used in various structure systems. 摘要混凝土剪力墻被廣泛運用于各類(lèi)結構體系中。
- Foundation: Part of a structural system that supports and anchors the superstructure of a building and transmits its loads directly to the earth. 地基:結構系統的一部分,支撐固定建筑物的上部結構,將重量直接傳遞到地上。