- Standard training course fot critical care nursing 危重癥護理專(zhuān)業(yè)規范化培訓教程
- critical care nursing 危重病人監護
- The sick boy came round with careful nursing. 那個(gè)生病的男孩經(jīng)過(guò)精心護理已經(jīng)康復了。
- Critical care for high-risk cardiac surgery: What lies beyond? 重癥心臟手術(shù)患者的?
- Editorial Views Blood Glucose Variability: A New Paradigm in Critical Care? 血糖變異性:危重監測中的一項新的范本?
- He came back after careful nursing. 經(jīng)過(guò)精心護理,他恢復了健康。
- He's seriously wounded and needs careful nursing. 他傷得很重,要細心看護。
- Best evidence in critical care medicine: Fluid management in acute lung injury: friend or foe? 急癥醫學(xué)的有力證據:液體管理對于急性肺損傷是敵是友?
- He was very ill but careful nursing brought him through. 他病得很厲害,但精心的護理使他轉危為安。
- Clinical trials of monitoring in anaesthesia, critical care and acute ward care: a review. 有關(guān)麻醉、重癥監護室和急診病房的檢測技術(shù)進(jìn)展的綜述。
- Careful nursing may gradually invoke life from a dying person. 細心地護理會(huì )使一個(gè)即將死去的人起死回生。
- NIRS is starting to be used in pediatric critical care, to help deal with cardiac surgery post-op. NIRS開(kāi)始用于兒科的重癥監護,有助于心臟外科手術(shù)。
- He's very ill,but with careful nursing he'll pull through. 他病得很厲害,但是在精心的護理下,他會(huì )很快康復的。
- Bernard S, Buist M. Indllced hypothermia in critical care medicine[J]. Crit care med,2003,31(7):2041. 王正國.;顱腦戰創(chuàng )傷研究[J]
- Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) 38th Critical Care Congress: Abstract 51. 重癥加護醫學(xué)會(huì )(SCCM)第38屆重癥照護研討會(huì ):摘要51。
- Crush syndrome was the most prominent medical syndrome necessitating critical care after the Kobe earthquake. 積壓綜合征是神戶(hù)地震后最突出的迫切需要病危護理的醫學(xué)綜合征。
- He was very ill but good doctors and careful nursing brought him through. 他的病情很重,不過(guò)高明的醫生和細心的護理挽救了他。
- Objective To sum up the critical care of neurological patients after tracheotomy. 目的總結神經(jīng)內科危重病人氣管切開(kāi)術(shù)后的護理。
- Oakes' Ventilator Management is THE critical care tool clinicians throughout the world keep in their lab coat pocket. 奧克斯的通風(fēng)設備管理是整個(gè)世界的緊急護理工具臨床醫師放在他們的實(shí)驗室外套口袋。
- He was very ill but good doctors and carefully nursing brought him through. 他病得很重, 不過(guò)優(yōu)良的醫生和細心的護理救了他。