But I did so because I was happy, because I had not courted death, because to be cast upon a bed of rocks and seaweed seemed terrible, because I was unwilling that I, a creature made for the service of God, should serve for food to the gulls and ravens.

  • 我之所以那樣做,因為那時(shí)我處在幸福之中,挽回了生命就是挽回了歡樂(lè ),我不允許那樣的去死,不愿意那樣的去死,那長(cháng)眠在巖石和海藻所筑成的床上的景象是很可怕的,因為我不愿意自己這個(gè)上帝依照他自己的模樣創(chuàng )造出來(lái)的人去喂海鷗和烏鴉。
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