- Reston, VA: The National Art Education Association. 臺北:冠學(xué)出版社。
- Does Graduate Business Education Contribute to Professional Accounting Success? 研究生的商業(yè)教育對會(huì )計專(zhuān)業(yè)有幫助嗎?
- Business education also serves to homogenize organizational practices. 商業(yè)教育也能使機構化的慣例均勻。
- I am pleased to know of my admission to Department of Business Education at your University. 得知已被貴校職業(yè)教育系錄取,非常高興。
- You're very interested inpursuing your business education,especially because your bachelor's degree isnot in business. 你對商學(xué)很感興趣,尤其是因為你學(xué)士階段不是學(xué)商的。
- I taught in the Workers'Educational Association in the thirties. 我30年代時(shí)在工人教育協(xié)會(huì )教過(guò)書(shū)。
- I taught in the Workers' Educational Association in the thirties. 我30年代時(shí)在工人教育協(xié)會(huì )教過(guò)書(shū)。
- Is a regional leader in business education and research with two schools and four departments. 執區內工商管理教育的牛耳,下設兩個(gè)專(zhuān)業(yè)學(xué)院和四個(gè)學(xué)系。
- The scholarship is given by an educational association. 我需要經(jīng)濟上的補助來(lái)念大學(xué)。
- I do believe that he needs business education to enhance his skills and counter his weaknesses. 我確實(shí)也認為他需要接受商業(yè)教育來(lái)強化技能來(lái)戰勝不足。
- But I believe that form a two years good business education at the SCUT will probably become a new era for me. 只有沒(méi)腦子的人才犯同樣的錯誤。
- Excitement reaches a peak during this event organized by the various clubs that form the Physical Education Association. 銀杏樹(shù)節這活動(dòng)由體育系社團共同學(xué)?
- So business education was an important part of Huizhou merchants' family education. 因而,商業(yè)教育成為明清徽商家庭教育的一項重要內容。
- But I am both schizophrenic and perhaps even hypocritical about business education. 但我對商業(yè)教育的態(tài)度具有雙重性,或許還有些虛偽。
- Each year on that day the National Education Association calls for every child and every community in America to celebrate reading. 每年的這一天,國家教育協(xié)會(huì )都會(huì )號召美國的每個(gè)兒童和團體來(lái)以閱讀的方式紀念他,
- The Arkansas Education Association (AEA) went ballistic, accusing me of degrading teachers and using them as scapegoats. 阿肯色州教育協(xié)會(huì )非常惱火,指責我侮辱教師,把他們當替罪羊。
- ITEA. (2000). Standards for Technological Literacy:Content for the Study of Technology: International Technology Education Association. 王信智.;(2004)
- I notice we have janitors and jamtresses now in offices, and our young men unfortunately miss that salutary branch of a business education. 我注意到現在的辦公室都配備了工友,這使我們的年輕人不幸丟掉了這個(gè)有益的企業(yè)教育的一個(gè)內容。
- Paterson Education Association - Includes a newsletter, pictures, news items, a school calendar, membership details, and workshops offered. 易易工作室-各種在線(xiàn)工具,站長(cháng)網(wǎng)志,以及多個(gè)應用項目。
- The firm will go under unless business improves. 生意若無(wú)起色,公司非垮不可。