- A service bureau can transform your electronic slides into 35mm slides. 服務(wù)機構能將電子幻燈片轉換成35毫米大的真正幻燈片。
- The use of KCRC B10M was as a City Bus which different with City Bus and Stagecoach, as residential service or even cross border service. 其次,城巴及捷達巴士的B10M是用于居民接送服務(wù),即是屋村巴士的點(diǎn)到點(diǎn)服務(wù),城巴那批更會(huì )應用于過(guò)境服務(wù),對比九鐵的B10M,是用于城巿巴士的用途有所不同。
- However, there is no decentralisation of pay administration, which is centrally managed by the Civil Service Bureau. 不過(guò),由公務(wù)員事務(wù)局中央處理的薪酬管理工作,仍沒(méi)有下放。
- What role should the central agencies such as Civil Service Bureau and Finance Bureau play in future pay determination? 公務(wù)員事務(wù)局及庫務(wù)局等中央機構在未來(lái)的薪酬厘定工作上應擔當甚么角色?
- The Administration briefed members on the work of the Civil Service Bureau in the promotion of integrity in the civil service. 政府當局向委員簡(jiǎn)介公務(wù)員事務(wù)局在促進(jìn)公務(wù)員廉潔操守方面的工作。
- The department also helped the Civil Service Bureau organise two roving exhibitions on the Basic Law, in 1998 and 1999, which attracted altogether more than 43000 people. 此外,律政司也協(xié)助公務(wù)員事務(wù)局籌辦了兩次《基本法》巡回展覽,分別在一九九八和一九九九年舉行,總參觀(guān)人數逾43000人。
- To have slides made by Genigraphics, use the Genigraphics Wizard and follow the instructions onscreen. Or follow the instructions provided by your service bureau. 為使建立的幻燈片具有真圖形的特點(diǎn),請選用“真圖形向導”選項并按屏幕上的指示去做,或按服務(wù)機構提供的指示去做。
- The department also helped the Civil Service Bureau organise two roving exhibitions on the Basic Law,in 1998 and 1999,which attracted altogether more than 43000 people. 此外,律政司也協(xié)助公務(wù)員事務(wù)局籌辦了兩次《基本法》巡回展覽,分別在一九九八和一九九九年舉行,總參觀(guān)人數逾43000人。
- A final report will be issued to the Financial Services Bureau in June 2000. 最后報告將于二零零零年六月送交財經(jīng)事務(wù)局。
- CANADA BORDER SERVICES AGENCY A directory of CBSA offices across Canada is available through the Internet site. 點(diǎn)擊:加拿大邊境服務(wù)署。
- To have slides made by Genigraphics,use the Genigraphics Wizard and follow the instructions onscreen. Or follow the instructions provided by your service bureau. 為使建立的幻燈片具有真圖形的特點(diǎn),請選用“真圖形向導”選項并按屏幕上的指示去做,或按服務(wù)機構提供的指示去做。
- Content providers have a choice of locating a speech browser at their facilities or outsourcing to an application service provider, carrier or service bureau. 內容提供商可以選擇將語(yǔ)音瀏覽器放在自己的設備上,或者外包給應用服務(wù)供應商(ASP)、電信運營(yíng)商或服務(wù)公司。
- The Panel discussed the paper on policy initiatives of the Civil Service Bureau set out in the 2005-06 Policy Agenda, including the reduction of the civil service establishment. 事務(wù)委員會(huì )討論當局提供的文件,當中說(shuō)明2005至06年施政綱領(lǐng)載列的公務(wù)員事務(wù)局政策措施,包括削減公務(wù)員編制。
- The Canadian Border Services Agency found the pork legs during a routine inspection in Burnaby, B.C., and referred the case to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. 加拿大邊境服務(wù)處在例行檢驗中發(fā)現此違法事實(shí),然后將此案提交給加拿大食品檢驗局。
- Working in parallel, the Community Relations Department has been partnering with the Civil Service Bureau to promote a probity culture in the civil service. 此外,社區關(guān)系處亦與公務(wù)員事務(wù)局合作經(jīng)年,推動(dòng)持廉守正的文化。
- Immigrants like Toronto’s Carla and Joe face deportation after being nabbed by Border Services officers as they arrived at Pearson airport from the Azores last year. 當局今次切實(shí)執行有關(guān)規定,或會(huì )影響當地的中國移民,因為有很多華人違規回國工作。
- For Civil Service Pensioners, the Authorization Form Try 489 is available from the Pensions Division of the Treasury and Pensioners Welfare Unit of Civil Service Bureau. 供退休公務(wù)員填寫(xiě)的授權表格Try 489號,可從庫務(wù)署退休金分部及公務(wù)員事務(wù)局退休公務(wù)員福利組索取。
- The Director of Administration replied that they would need to obtain the agreement of the Civil Service Bureau on the proposed deletion of civil service posts. 行政署長(cháng)回覆,他們需取得公務(wù)員事務(wù)局的同意刪除公務(wù)員職位。
- Border Service Department of Christ in China, 下文簡(jiǎn)稱(chēng)邊部
- Users interested in fax over IP can either purchase and install hardware and software on their own systems or outsource the capability to an IP faxing service bureau. 對IP上發(fā)傳真感興趣的用戶(hù)可以購買(mǎi)軟硬件,并安裝到自己的系統上,或者把此功能外包給IP傳真服務(wù)局。