- 鹽酸苯海拉明-硅鎢酸締合微粒體系的光譜研究及分析應用Spectral Properties of Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride-Silicontungstic Acid Association Particle System and Its Analytical Application
- 涂碳式聚氯乙烯膜電極測定鹽酸苯海拉明片含量Determination of Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride Tablets by Coated Carbon PVC Membrane of Diphenhydramine Selective Electrode
- 麻黃堿苯海拉明Ephedrine Hydrochloride and Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride
- 口服液系列苯海拉明薄荷腦糖漿Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride and Menthol Syrup
- 安乃近、鹽酸苯海拉明復合制劑allgen
- 鹽酸苯海素artane; Win 511
- 腎上腺摘除和苯海拉明靜注等預處理對腦損傷后肺水腫的影響Effects of pretreatments with adrenalectomy and benadryl injection on pulmonary edema following head trauma
- 鹽酸苯扎明Beta-eucaine Hydrochloride; Eucaine Hydrochloride
- 鹽酸唑拉明zolamine hydrochloride
- 鹽酸苯海拉明膠囊劑Dormin; Sleep Capsules
- 苯氟拉明fenfluramine
- 苯芐拉明bristrimin
- 苯吡拉明doxylamine
- 鹽酸鄰甲苯海拉明orphenadrine hydrochloride
- 二苯拉明Diphenylpyraline
- 新苯還拉明toladryl
- 乙苯誨拉明Rigidyl
- 液相色譜-串聯(lián)質(zhì)譜法同時(shí)測定人血漿中偽麻黃堿和苯海拉明Simultaneous determination of pseudoephedrine and diphenhydramine in human plasma by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
- 大口徑毛細管氣相色譜法直接測定復方氨酚苯海拉明片中的4種組分Direct Determination of Four Components in Compound Paracetamol and Diphenhydramine Tablets by Wide Bore Capillary Gas Chromatography
- 鹽酸右旋酚氟拉明,鹽酸右旋氟苯丙胺Dexfenfluramine Hydrochloride