- A small, carnivorous mammal(Bassariscus astutus)of the southwest United States, having grayish or brownish fur and a black - banded tail and resembling the raccoon. 蓬尾浣熊,環(huán)尾貓熊一種體型小的食肉哺乳動(dòng)物(小浣熊屬),生活于美國西南部,其皮毛呈暗灰色或棕黃色,尾巴上有黑色條斑,與浣熊很相似
- A small, carnivorous mammal(Bassariscus astutus) of the southwest United States, having grayish or brownish fur and a black-banded tail and resembling the raccoon. 蓬尾浣熊,環(huán)尾貓熊一種體型小的食肉哺乳動(dòng)物(小浣熊屬),生活于美國西南部,其皮毛呈暗灰色或棕黃色,尾巴上有黑色條斑,與浣熊很相似
- The ringtail, and the vulture, and the kite according to their kind: 鳶隼、雕類(lèi),
- a small,carnivorous mammal (Bassariscus astutus) of the southwest United States,having grayish or brownish fur and a black-banded tail and resembling the raccoon 蓬尾浣熊;一種體型小的食肉哺乳動(dòng)物(小浣熊屬),生活于美國西南部,其皮毛呈暗灰色或棕黃色,尾巴上有黑色條斑,與浣熊很相似
- ringtail snorter 兇暴的家伙
- Bassariscus astutusn. 蓬尾浣熊
- D'Albertis ringtailn. 阿氏卷尾袋貂
- Green ringtailn. 綠卷尾袋貂
- Lowland ringtailn. 低地卷尾袋貂
- Weyland Mountains ringtailn. 韋蘭德卷尾袋貂
- Eastern ringtailn. 東卷尾袋貂
- Coppery ringtailn. 銅卷尾袋貂
- Rock-haunting ringtailn. 巖卷尾袋貂
- Moss-forest ringtailn. 沼林卷尾袋貂
- Brushy-tailed ringtailn. 粗卷尾袋貂
- Pygmy ringtailn. 侏卷尾袋貂
- Arfak Mountains ringtailn. 山卷尾袋貂
- ringtailn. 浣熊;雌白尾鷂;卷尾猴
- Common ringtail 普通環(huán)尾袋貂(環(huán)尾袋貂科)
- ringtail (ringsail) 主帆增幅