- An aviation division generally has under its command two to three aviation regiments and related stations. The aviation regiment is the basic tactical unit. 航空兵師一般下轄2個(gè)至3個(gè)航空兵團和駐地場(chǎng)站,航空兵團是基本戰術(shù)單位。
- Normally under a division, a regiment consists of battalions, and acts as a basic tactical unit. 團由營(yíng)編成,通常隸屬于師,為基本戰術(shù)部隊。
- What is the basic tactical task of the Party? 黨的基本的策略任務(wù)是什么呢?
- Squadron: A basic tactical air force unit, subordinate to a group and consisting of two or more flights. 飛行中隊:隸屬于團的基本空軍作戰單位,包括兩個(gè)或多個(gè)飛行小隊。
- The police tactical unit must follow other forces quickly. 警察當局的戰術(shù)小組必須迅速趕上其他隊伍。
- A company consists of platoons, and acts as a basic tactical element. 連由排編成,為基本戰術(shù)分隊。
- The smallest tactical unit in the Roman army trusted with independent maneuver was the 120-man maniple. 在羅馬軍隊中,最小的戰術(shù)編隊是由120人組成的獨立戰團。
- A group of several ships of similar type forming a tactical unit under a single command in the U.S. Navy. 艦艇分隊:直屬于美國海軍部的作戰單位,由數艘艦船組成。
- The aviation regiment is the basic tactical unit. Due to differences in weaponry and tasks, the number of aircraft in an aviation regiment ranges from 20 to 40. 由于武器裝備和擔負的任務(wù)不同,各類(lèi)航空兵團編制飛機數量,通常在20架至40架之間不等;
- A tactical unit of ground combat forces between a division and an army commanded by a lieutenant general and composed of two or more divisions and auxiliary service troops. 軍團介于師和上尉軍之間的陸戰隊技術(shù)單位,通常包含兩個(gè)或兩個(gè)以上的師及輔助軍種
- By elaborating the origin?the definition?the character and the function, this article proposed a basic tactic which is to integrate "service learning" with "Volunteer Service". 本文通過(guò)闡述“服務(wù)學(xué)習”的緣起、涵義、特點(diǎn)和功能,提出“服務(wù)學(xué)習”與我國青年志愿服務(wù)結合的基本策略。
- Hong Kong's Police Tactical Unit (PTU) are specially trained anti-riot troops, drawn in rotation by the district constables. 香港警察機動(dòng)部隊(PTU)是經(jīng)過(guò)特殊訓練的防暴部隊,由各區輪流抽調的警員組成。
- Within either type of division, the battalion was the IJA's smallest single tactical unit capable of conducting independent combat operations. 在兩種師團中,大隊是日本帝國軍中能夠獨立執行作戰任務(wù)的最小獨立戰術(shù)單位。
- Recent instructions direct that the equipment of a paratroop tactical unit be carried in the same formation as the personnel and dropped in the same area. 但在后來(lái)裝備和人員改為乘坐同一編隊,在同一空降場(chǎng)進(jìn)行空降。
- Note the division is still the smallest tactical unit and the land unit and its brigades are indivisible, but for technology purposes the brigades are distinct. 但是注意師仍然是最小的戰術(shù)單位,同時(shí)一個(gè)師和他的旅之間也是不可分割的整體,不過(guò)從科技的角度來(lái)說(shuō)旅是獨立的。
- If none of the above has caused palpitations and I still have your attention, I will outline some basic tactical (not formation) strategies that should allow for some successful gaming. 如果你不反感上述假設并且有興趣繼續的話(huà),我將接下來(lái)描繪基本的戰術(shù)(不是陣型)策略。
- A U.S. Army administrative and tactical unit composed of a headquarters unit, at least one unit of infantry or armor or both, and designated support units. A brigade can be commanded by a brigadier general or by a colonel. 旅美軍的行政和戰略單位,包括一個(gè)指揮部,至少一個(gè)單位的步兵或裝甲兵或二者兼有,以及指派的支援部隊??捎申戃姕蕦⒒蛴缮闲=y領(lǐng)的一個(gè)旅
- A clear understanding of this question is indispensable to a correct solution of the problem of the basic tactics of the Chinese revolution. 認清這個(gè)革命的動(dòng)力問(wèn)題,才能正確地解決中國革命的基本策略問(wèn)題。
- Part four, the basic tactics of English Dialogue Instructional Approach in High School. 第四部分,中學(xué)英語(yǔ)對話(huà)教學(xué)的基本策略。
- During the year,the Police Tactical Unit (PTU) played a major role in crowd management during large-scale public events such as the opening of the Tsing Ma Bridge,the Handover Ceremony and the WB/IMF Annual Meetings. 年內,警察機動(dòng)部隊曾為多項大型公眾活動(dòng),例如青嶼干線(xiàn)開(kāi)幕、交接儀式和世界銀行/國際貨幣基金組織理事會(huì )年會(huì ),執行人群管理工作。