- The first atomic theory was proposed by Democritus. 這個(gè)。德謨克利特發(fā)明了最早的原子論。
- British mathematician and physicist. He shared a1933 Nobel Prize for new formulations of the atomic theory. 迪拉克,保羅·阿德利安·莫里斯1902-1984英國數學(xué)和物理學(xué)家。1933年因新原子理論公式與人分享諾貝爾獎
- The scientist made mincemeat of the new atomic theory. 這位科學(xué)家把新的原子理論駁得體無(wú)完膚。
- English chemist and physicist who formulated atomic theory and the law of partial pressures (1766-1844). (1766-1844)闡明了原子學(xué)說(shuō)和局部壓力定律的英國化學(xué)家、物理學(xué)家。
- It was this "Law of Avogadro'which supplied the missing link in Dalton's Atomic Theory. 正是這條阿伏伽德羅定律彌補了道爾頓原子學(xué)說(shuō)中遺漏的環(huán)節。
- Atomic theory is an ancient science. The earliest record of it can be found in Vedic texts from india which are many thousands of years old. 原子理論是一門(mén)古老科學(xué)。它的最早記錄見(jiàn)于有數千年歷史之久的印度吠陀文獻。
- It was this "Law of Avogadro" which supplied the missing link in Dalton's Atomic Theory. 正是這條阿伏伽德羅定律彌補了道爾頓原子學(xué)說(shuō)中遺漏的環(huán)節。
- British mathematician and physicist.He shared a1933Nobel Prize for new formulations of the atomic theory. 迪拉克,保羅 阿德利安 莫里斯1902-1984英國數學(xué)和物理學(xué)家。1933年因新原子理論公式與人分享諾貝爾獎
- Based on Bohr atomic theory and ware amplification theory, laser has only recently been developed by scientists. 科學(xué)工作者根據波爾原子理論和波放大理論研制成激光器;這只是近年來(lái)的事情.
- Later organizational theorists,no matter what theory school they belong to,have from barnard got inspirations and found what they needed. 當今的組織理論家 ,無(wú)論他們屬于哪個(gè)理論陣營(yíng) ,都從巴納德那里獲得了靈感和找到了他們所需要的東西。
- Regular nature of hydrogen atomic spectrum and Bohr hydrogen atom theory, wave-particle dualism of matter and uncertainty relation. 氫原子光譜的規律性和玻爾的氫原子理論;實(shí)物粒子的波粒二象性和不確定關(guān)系。
- Niel Bohr, Danish physicist, received the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1922 in recognition of his contributions to atomic theory. 丹麥物理學(xué)家尼爾.玻爾由于對原子理論多所發(fā)明,一九二二年獲諾貝爾物理學(xué)獎。
- The Bohr theory, with its strong flavor of elementary classical mechanics, formed an important bridge between classical physics and present-day atomic theory. 玻爾理論具有強烈的初等古典力學(xué)的氣味,這就構成了古典物理和近代原子理論間的一座重要的橋梁。
- Some of the history books on chemistry hold such a view that the "the rule of the simplest",put forward by Dalton in his atomic theory,is personal,hurried,and unscientific. 有些化學(xué)史書(shū)認為道爾頓在其原子論中提出的“最簡(jiǎn)規則”是人為的、武斷的、甚至是不科學(xué)的。
- Some of the history books on chemistry hold such a view that the “the rule of the simplest”,put forward by Dalton in his atomic theory,is personal,hurried,and unscientific. 有些化學(xué)史書(shū)認為道爾頓在其原子論中提出的“最簡(jiǎn)規則”是人為的、武斷的、甚至是不科學(xué)的。
- The Bohr theory, with its strong flavor of elementary classical mechanics, formed an important bridge between classical physics and present-day atomic theory . 玻爾理論具有強烈的初等古典力學(xué)的氣味,這就構成了古典物理和近代原子理論間的一座重要的橋梁。
- In the early nineteenth century, Dalton, an English school teacher, stated in this atomic theory that matter was made up of tiny, indivisible particles, which he also called atoms. 在19世紀早期,當時(shí)是一個(gè)英語(yǔ)學(xué)校老師的道爾頓提出,物質(zhì)是由細小、不可再分的粒子構成。
- Dr. Eugene A. Nida is one of the famous representatives of the western translation theory school of linguistics, and over the fifty years of his study in his translation theory and practice, he has achieved great success in this field. 尤金·奈達博士是西方語(yǔ)言學(xué)翻譯理論學(xué)派的代表人物之一,經(jīng)過(guò)五十多年的翻譯實(shí)踐與理論研究,取得了豐碩的成果。
- Functionalism is one of the important theory school in western sociology.The theory stresses every component in society should serve the development of society regularly on the basis of cooperation. 摘要功能主義是西方社會(huì )學(xué)重要理論流派之一,該理論強調社會(huì )各部分在協(xié)同合作的基礎上,有秩序地為實(shí)現社會(huì )的需要而發(fā)揮作用。