- As surprising as the onset of the Asian crisis has been its aftermath. 與它的爆發(fā)一樣,此次亞洲金融危機的結果也非常出人意料。
- With GDP growth decelerating because of the Asian crisis,can we maintain the same sanguine outlook for the banks? 當GDP增長(cháng)因亞洲危機而下跌時(shí),我們的銀行業(yè)是否還能維持這種樂(lè )觀(guān)局面呢?
- The origins,causes and effects of the Asian crisis are complex,but one area of commonality is fairly well known. 亞洲金融危機的源頭、起因和影響極為復雜,但共通的問(wèn)題差不多是人所共知的。
- The origins,causes and effects of the Asian crisis are complex,but the broad problems are fairly well known. 亞洲金融危機的源頭,起因和影響極為復雜,但主要的問(wèn)題卻差不多是人所共知的。
- The participants agreed to hold the Fifth Asian Crisis Management Conference in 2007 in Jakarta. 與會(huì )者一致同意,第五屆亞洲危機管理會(huì )議將于2007年在雅加達舉行。
- The origins, causes and effects of the Asian crisis are complex, but one area of commonality is fairly well known. 亞洲金融危機的源頭、起因和影響極為復雜,但共通的問(wèn)題差不多是人所共知的。
- The origins, causes and effects of the Asian crisis are complex, but the broad problems are fairly well known. 亞洲金融危機的源頭,起因和影響極為復雜,但主要的問(wèn)題卻差不多是人所共知的。
- At the time, Indonesia, smarting from the Asian crisis, was grateful for Singapore's capital. 當時(shí),印尼正為亞洲危機而勞神,因此非常感激新加坡的資本。
- In the Asian crisis of 1997-98, that meant a collapse of the Thai baht, the Indonesian rupiah and others. 1997年至1998年的亞洲金融危機中,崩潰的泰銖、印尼盾等就是很典型的例子。
- Its visible and contentious involvement in the Asian crisis has attracted inordinate media attention both good and bad. 該組織在參與亞洲危機中的可見(jiàn)爭議引起了各路的媒介的注意,有正面的也有負面的。
- With GDP growth decelerating because of the Asian crisis, can we maintain the same sanguine outlook for the banks? 當經(jīng)濟增長(cháng)因亞洲危機而下跌時(shí),我們的銀行業(yè)是否還能維持這種樂(lè )觀(guān)局面呢?
- And third,as the Asian crisis of 1997 already proved,debt can be structured in a way that increases a country's sensitivity to shocks. 第三,正像1997年亞洲經(jīng)濟危機顯示的那樣,債務(wù)結構的組成可能會(huì )增加一個(gè)國家對經(jīng)濟打擊的敏感性。
- The regional knock-on effect of a Chinese import contraction was evident in the aftermath of the Asian crisis in1998/99. 在1998至1999年亞洲金融危機造成的后果中,中國進(jìn)口收縮的區域性連鎖反應非常明顯。
- And third, as the Asian crisis of 1997 already proved, debt can be structured in a way that increases a country's sensitivity to shocks. 第三,正像1997年亞洲經(jīng)濟危機顯示的那樣,債務(wù)結構的組成可能會(huì )增加一個(gè)國家對震動(dòng)的敏感性。
- Assessing the prospects of Asian crisis economies for sustained economic recovery by drawing upon the experience of Mexico after the Tequila crisis. 利用墨西哥金融危機后的復蘇經(jīng)驗作為參考,從而評估受亞洲金融危機影響的幾個(gè)經(jīng)濟體系在持續復蘇方面的前景。
- Finally, everyone in Asia must press ahead with reforms to cut out the inefficiencies and post-bubble effects that led to the Asian crisis. 最后,亞洲各國必須致力改革,糾正辦事欠效率的情況和泡沫經(jīng)濟帶來(lái)的影響,這些問(wèn)題均是導致亞洲金融危機的原因。
- Because the IMF has abandoned billion dollar bailouts for troubled economies, he thinks a repeat of the Asian crisis is unlikely. 由于國際貨幣基金組織已經(jīng)拒絕向經(jīng)濟困難的國家提供數十億美元的救濟,索羅斯認為亞洲經(jīng)濟危機不會(huì )重演。
- Some blame the IMF’s policies during the Asian crisis for spurring countries in the region to build up enormous reserves. 一些人指責,正是IMF在亞洲金融危機期間施行的政策造成了該地區國家反常的巨大儲備。
- His worst-case scenario: a repeat of the Asian crisis of a decade ago, when regional economies and governments were convulsed by devastating recession. 最壞的情況是重現十年前的亞洲金融危機,那時(shí)地方經(jīng)濟和政府都受到了經(jīng)濟不景氣的影響。
- Finally,everyone in Asia must press ahead with reforms to cut out the inefficiencies and post-bubble effects that led to the Asian crisis. 最后,亞洲各國必須致力改革,糾正辦事欠效率的情況和泡沫經(jīng)濟帶來(lái)的影響,這些問(wèn)題均是導致亞洲金融危機的原因。