- LLA-23基因LLA-23 gene
- 當您的產(chǎn)品成功完成測試后,您需要登錄到winqual.microsoft.com上您的Winqual帳戶(hù),并接受該項目的徽標許可協(xié)議(LLA)。Once your product has successfully completed testing, you need to log into your Winqual account on winqual. Microsoft. Com, and accept the Logo License Agreement (LLA) for the program.
- 近來(lái)的臨床實(shí)驗如ASCOT-LLA結果表明抑制高血壓患者的炎癥可使膽固醇正常的高血壓患者主要心血管事件相對危險度下降36%。Current clinical trials,for example,ASCOT-LLA suggested that use atorvastatin to reduce the inflammatory reaction in hypertensive patients with normal concentration of cholesterol would decrease the major cardiovascular events(relative risk reduction 36%25).
- 目的為了明確哈爾濱地區風(fēng)疹病毒(R ube lla v irus,RV)的流行情況,對2003年上半年采集的部分發(fā)熱患者血清及血細胞進(jìn)行篩選、鑒定、比較,進(jìn)行血清學(xué)和病原學(xué)研究。Objective To know the epidemic condition of Rubella virus(RV) in Harbin,we screened,evaluated and compared febrile patients's blood serums and blood cells in the first half year 2003,and take serumal and pathogen research.