- Study on Speed Adjustment in Approach Radar Control 進(jìn)近雷達管制調速問(wèn)題研究
- It is guided to its destination by radio and radar control. 它是通過(guò)無(wú)線(xiàn)電和雷達控制裝置而導向其指定目標的。
- Under radar control heading 265 descend to 6000 feet. 雷達管制航向265下降到6000英尺。
- Radar services unit will provide radar control services to radar-identified aircraft. 雷達服務(wù)單位為經(jīng)過(guò)雷達識別的航空器提供雷達管制服務(wù)。
- In this thesis, we would like to develop the PC-Based radar controller and the radar software memory loader and verifier. 本論文主要是想發(fā)展以個(gè)人電腦為基礎的雷達控制器和雷達燒錄驗證器。
- The purpose of the radar controller is to replace the huge and hard-to-maintain radar control system.The Radar Software Memory Loader and Verifier can update the radar software with utilizing the PC. 雷達控制器的目的是想取代體積過(guò)大、維護不易的雷達控制系統,而雷達燒錄驗證器則是利用個(gè)人電腦來(lái)更新雷達內部軟體。
- modified precision approach radar 改進(jìn)型精密進(jìn)場(chǎng)雷達
- Precision Approach Radar not Operative 精確進(jìn)場(chǎng)雷達不工作
- In order to make the airborne radar instruction control antenna pointing correctly overcome the influence caused by maneuvering of carrier aircraft, and airspace stabilization algorithm is adopted in the airborne radar control circuit. 摘要為使機載雷達指令克服載機機動(dòng)而正確控制天線(xiàn)指向,在機載雷達控制回路中加入了空域穩定計算。
- Precision Approach Radar Resumed Operation 精確進(jìn)場(chǎng)雷達恢復工作
- Precision Approach RADAR Training System 精確進(jìn)場(chǎng)雷達訓練系統
- ground-controlled approach radar 地面控制進(jìn)近雷達
- automatic precision approach radar 自動(dòng)精密進(jìn)場(chǎng)雷達
- Carrier-Controlled Approach Radar 航母控制進(jìn)場(chǎng)雷達
- ground controlled approach radar 地面控制進(jìn)場(chǎng)雷達
- Another controller, called the radar hand-off controller, assists the radar and associate radar controllers during times of heavy traffic, watching the radar screen and helping to maintain smooth air-traffic flow. 當交通處于高峰時(shí)期,除了雷達管制人員和聯(lián)合管制人員外,還有臨時(shí)雷達管制人員,監視雷達信息以幫助保持交通順暢。
- ground-controlled approach radar (GCA radar) 地面指揮截擊雷達
- Advanced Defence Radar Controller 高級防空雷達控制器
- Beijing-Guangzhou Route Implements Radar Control 京廣航路實(shí)施雷達管制
- Shanghai-Fukuoka Flights Shift to Radar Control 上海至日本福岡的航班實(shí)行雷達管制移交