- Anton綜合征Anton's syndrome
- Anton血型抗體Blood group antibody Anton
- Anton血型抗原Blood group antigen Anton
- Anton癥狀/綜合征Anton's symptom/syndrome
- 對我們而言,Anton就如同家庭成員。To us Anton is part of our family.
- Anton癥狀/綜合征,否認視覺(jué)缺失綜合征Anton's symptom/syndrome
- Anton Cox在他的博士論文[4]中研究了無(wú)窮小Schur代數的量子化。A theory for a quantum version of the infinitesimal Schur algebra is studied by Anton Cox in [4].
- 曾先后師從著(zhù)名舞蹈家安東·道林(anton Dolin)、魯道夫·拉班 (Rudolf Laban)瑪麗·魏格曼 (Mary Wigman)。Many famous dancers such as anton Dolin, Rudolf Laban and Mary Wigman had been her teachers.
- 國外,Anton和Reed于1991年編制的大學(xué)生適應性量表(College Adjustment Scales)在大學(xué)生心理咨詢(xún)工作中應用廣泛,并且經(jīng)過(guò)檢驗,信效度都較高。College Adjustment Scales compiled by Anton and Reed in 1991 has been applied widely in the counseling services to college students, and has been proved have high reliability and fair validity.