- 地點(diǎn)在Creaky house。at The Creaky House.
- 山姆決不會(huì )猜到這些人會(huì )在Creaky house俱樂(lè )部。Sam would never have guessed that any of these people were in The Creaky House Club.
- 除少數指定地點(diǎn)在指定路外,新界的士不能接載乘客往市區。The driver cannot take you to destination in the urban area except a few locations on specified routes.
- 邀請他加入Creaky house子俱樂(lè )部。inviting him to join The Creaky House Club.
- 其種群小,但在香港的生長(cháng)地點(diǎn)在郊野公園內,生境已受到保護。In Hong Kong, the species exists in Country Parks and thus protection of its habitats is secured.
- 山姆,Creaky House俱樂(lè )部邀請函,Sam, Your initiation into The Creaky House Club
- 隨著(zhù)經(jīng)濟迅速發(fā)展,中國在國際舞臺上的地位變得愈來(lái)愈重要了。With the rapid economical development, China's position on the international stage is getting more and more important.
- “歡迎來(lái)到Creaky house 俱樂(lè )部,山姆。Welcome to The Creaky House Club, Sam.
- 選擇一個(gè)地點(diǎn)在你的花園將切割和干擾,從保護動(dòng)物或冬季天氣足部交通。Select a location in your garden where the cutting will be protected from winter weather and interference from animals or foot traffic.
- 特里斯坦想成為Creaky House俱樂(lè )部的一員。Tristan wanted to be in The Creaky House Club.
- 她是在她叔叔的幫助下才到那份工作的。She only got that job because her uncle gave her a leg up.
- 舉行大賽的地點(diǎn)在溫布利足球場(chǎng)。The venue of the big match is the football ground at Wembley.
- 1939年戰爭爆發(fā)時(shí),她的父母在國外,他們直到戰爭結束時(shí)才能返家。Her parents were abroad when the balloon went up in1939 and they could not return home until the war was over.
- 他騎上山地車(chē),慢悠悠地向Creaky house 駛去。He just got on his mountain bike and cycled slowly towards The Creaky House.
- 讓溫馨的祝愿、幸福的思念和友好的祝福,在圣誕佳節來(lái)到你身邊,伴你左右。May the warmest wishes, happy thoughts and friendly greetings come at Christmas and stay with you all the year through.
- 擁塞的地點(diǎn)在小鎮上邊的山上。The jam was up the hill above town.
- 我知道您剛從英國歸來(lái),但是我想,您會(huì )在百忙中光臨的。期待您的到來(lái)。I know you have just returned from England but I hope you're not too busy to come. I'm looking forward to seeing you.
- 特里斯坦成為Creaky House俱樂(lè )部有多長(cháng)時(shí)間了?How long had Tristan been a member of The Creaky House Club?
- 巴拿馬運河在運輸上起到了非常重要的作用。The Panama Canal has played a very important role in transportation.
- 它的地點(diǎn)在哪里?Where is the cinema complex located?