- The project also included surveying Asian American community residents. 此專(zhuān)案也包括調查亞裔美國人社區居民。
- This gesture endeared the mayor to many in the African American community. 這項舉動(dòng)使得這位市長(cháng)在美國黑人中大受歡迎。
- The American community in Hong Kong - the largest expatriate business group in the SAR - underlines the fact that Hong Kong is America's closest business partner in Asia. 在香港居住的美國人,是香港特區內最大的外國商業(yè)社群,突顯出香港是美國在亞洲區內最密切的商業(yè)伙伴。
- Native American communities surround Grand Canyon and activly maintain their ancient cultures and traditions. 美國原住民社區環(huán)繞峽谷和activly保持自己的古老文化和傳統。
- The AACP is the first health program in Montgomery County to specifically target the Asian American community. AACP是蒙哥馬利郡第一個(gè)針對亞裔美國人社區進(jìn)行的健康計畫(huà)。
- Arthur M.Cohen,Florence.B.Brawer.The American Community College. San Francisco; Jossey-Bass 1982. 徐潤華.;美國社區學(xué)院發(fā)展研究[M]
- Arthru M.Gohen &Florence B.Brawer.(1982).The American Community College,Jossey Bass Publication,Pp.93. 易紅郡.;美國社區學(xué)院的高等職業(yè)繼續教育及啟示[J]
- In the summer months, [u]nothing stirs excitement in North American communities like county fairs[/u]. 一到夏天,北美各社區里,沒(méi)有什麼比郡區園游會(huì )更令人興奮了。
- Honduras is developing a means of connecting the native American communities in the Atlantic coast. 洪都拉斯也正在開(kāi)發(fā)一條通道,把大西洋沿岸的美洲土著(zhù)人社區連接起來(lái)。
- When that safety is violated, the impact is felt in every American classroom in every American community. 當安全遭到干擾,全美國任何社區的任一教室都會(huì )受到影響。
- Upon my return to the United States, I found the Hmong American community in a state of utter confusion. 這一事件致使王寶將軍被投入美國加州聯(lián)邦監獄,并且株連到了其“老撾國家解放聯(lián)合政線(xiàn)”組織。
- In Hawaii , the term has taken on new meaning amongst the Japanese American community. 在夏威夷,這個(gè)詞已經(jīng)采取了新的意義之一,日本的美國社會(huì )。
- American Communications Association 美國通信協(xié)會(huì )
- In the course of the pun execution, the board of the American community colleges has to balance the diverse power of the state, community Intramural staff and non-staff. 在學(xué)院董事會(huì )行使權力的過(guò)程中,需要正確處理與州、所在社區及校內的教職、非教職員工之間的關(guān)系,保持權力均衡發(fā)展。
- To ensure that all ethnic groups in the Asian American Community have their fair share of health care by eliminating barriers. 確保亞裔美國社區中的所有種族族群均可消除籓籬,而公平地享有健康照護。
- AAHI has identified the programs and projects listed above as priorities among the Asian American community in Montgomery County. AAHI將上述計畫(huà)和專(zhuān)案列為蒙哥馬利郡亞裔美國社區的優(yōu)先重點(diǎn)。
- Contents: Activity Calendar and articles reporting on the activities of the various programs of the Taiwanese American Community Center. 內容活動(dòng)表及報導有關(guān)臺美基金會(huì )的活動(dòng)及表演之文章。
- Many Native American communities are considering business incubation and entrepreneurship support as economic development strategies. 當今美國本土社會(huì )把孵化器和企業(yè)家看作經(jīng)濟發(fā)展戰略。
- OCA Georgia Chapter would like to take this opportunity to introduce our national board members to our Atlanta Asian American Community. 美華協(xié)會(huì )佐治亞分會(huì )愿借此機會(huì )介紹我們遍布全國的董事會(huì )會(huì )員給我們亞特蘭大的亞裔美國人社區。
- Such investments have been generally welcomed by various American communities which stand to benefit from the infusion of outside capital that would create jobs. 一般說(shuō)來(lái),這些投資是受到美國社會(huì )各階層的人的歡迎的。 因為他們主張利用從外部流入的資金提供就業(yè)機會(huì )。