- A branch office that handles grain exports. 經(jīng)營(yíng)谷物出口的一家分公司
- That year' s grain harvest came to over 270 million tons. 這年的糧食產(chǎn)量達到二億七千多萬(wàn)噸。
- After Russia disintegrate, as main grain exports a nation, kazakstan this but got more and more attention. 蘇聯(lián)解體后,作為一個(gè)重要的糧食出口國,哈薩克斯但受到了越來(lái)越多的關(guān)注。
- China will stick to its rigid controls on grain exports for the time being despite the rampant smuggling of grain that has eaten into its tariff, grain experts said. 糧食專(zhuān)家說(shuō),中國當下仍會(huì )堅持實(shí)施控制糧食出口的政策,盡管猖獗的糧食走私活動(dòng)已經(jīng)造成關(guān)稅收入的損失。
- India, home to more than half the world's hungry, is restricting grain exports, including a ban on the export of non-basmati rice. 例如貧困人口占世界一半的印度就在限制糧食出口,包括禁止出口巴斯馬蒂香米以外的大米。
- Louis Dreyfus was founded in 1851 and developed the European grain export trade. 路易達孚是一家跨國集團,創(chuàng )建于1851年,總部設于法國巴黎,開(kāi)創(chuàng )和發(fā)展了歐洲谷物出口貿易。
- The freight spread to Japan between the Gulf and the PNW hit a record $31.45 per tonne in mid-April and the wide spread diverted grain exports away from the Gulf toward the PNW. 兩條航線(xiàn)間的運價(jià)差在4月中旬達到了創(chuàng )紀錄的每噸31.45美元,如此大的價(jià)差使谷物出口逐漸從海灣地區轉向太平洋西北沿岸。
- If it was not for the late summer surge in barge demand and improved grain export prospects, rates would have finished much lower. 如果不是因為夏末駁船需求大幅上升以及谷物出口前景明顯改觀(guān),年末運價(jià)可能會(huì )更低。
- In the main grain export to Hong Kong Rosario, the soybean spot price decline has been reported per 730 pesos (216 dollars), Tuesday (Nov. 18) to 734.7 pesos per ton. 在主要的谷物出口港羅薩里奧,大豆現貨價(jià)格下滑,報每噸730披索(216美元),周二(11月18日)報每噸734.;7披索。
- A surge in meat and grain exports in the 1880s helped the country's leaders build the European-style city of Buenos Aires and briefly catapulted Argentina among the 10 richest countries in the world. 1880年代,肉品和谷物出口大增,讓阿根廷的國家領(lǐng)導人得以建立充滿(mǎn)歐洲風(fēng)味的布宜諾斯艾利斯市,讓阿根廷一度躋身全球十大富國之林。
- Process of making brewer?s grain bamboo sprout 竹筍的糟制工藝
- Such accelerant was a mixed-microbial-agent supplemented by distiller s grains lixivium and small quantity of inorganic salt. 偏低溫沼氣促進(jìn)劑由微生物混合菌劑輔以酒糟浸出液和微量的無(wú)機鹽成分而成。
- Once abnormal temperature rise of distiller 's grains occurred in the pits,we could settle this problem by the technique of dislodged fermentation. 對出現糟醅升溫異常的窖池,可采取移位發(fā)酵急救措施補救。
- America might be able to unload more of its grain abroad. 美國或許能向國外傾銷(xiāo)更多的谷類(lèi)。
- Are you going to America by boat or by plane? 你到美國是坐船還是坐飛機?
- The usage of special equipmentswas combined with the usage of accept aagent of brewer , s grains,Made to separate to waste of brewer , s grainseffective,Hadan obvious economic performance. 采用特制設備、結合收糟劑的使用,使酒糟廢液分離效果好,取得了明顯的經(jīng)濟效益。
- A year in America will cost you no end of money. 在美國住一年要花很多的錢(qián)。
- It's time for us to say "No" to America. 是我們對美國說(shuō)不的時(shí)候了。
- The robbers jumped bail and fled to South America. 這批盜賊被保釋后不期出庭接受審判,卻逃到南美洲去了。