- Alexander拓撲Alexander topology
- 再談Alexander的一個(gè)猜想A Note on the Alexander Conjeture
- Alexander病的臨床和病理研究Clinical and pathological findings in Alexander disease
- Alexander子基引理的一個(gè)簡(jiǎn)單證明A simple proof for alexander subbase lemma
- 就在幾周前,alexander又做了一次手術(shù)。Just a few weeks ago, Alexander underwent another operation.
- Jin Alexander也許是barron最棘手的病例。Jim Alexander was perhaps Barron's toughest case.
- 伴有GFAP突變和線(xiàn)粒體畸形的幼稚型Alexander病Juvenile form of Alexander disease with GFAP mutation and mitochondrial abnormal ity
- Alexander親自選定地址并制定該城的房屋修建與移民計劃。Alexander personally chose the site and drew up the plans for the buildings and for colonizing the city.
- 給出了Alexander子基定理在L-雙fuzzy拓撲空間中的推廣。Finally an extension of Alexander SubbasesTheorem is given in L-bifuzzy topological spaces.
- 能加強分離性; 并且相應的Alexander子基定理和Tychonoff乘積定理成立.Many of the properties of usual compactness are retained and the Alexander subbase theorem and Tychonoff product theorem are still valid.
- "這已經(jīng)是好得不能再好了,"Alexander的女婿bill第一次看到這面具時(shí)這樣說(shuō)道。"You don't get much better than that," said Alexander's son-in-law, Bill, as he saw the mask for the first time.
- 利用這個(gè)結果我們還證明了良緊的Alexander子基定理,給出了良緊的定理的另一證明.We else prove that the Alexander theorem on the L-fuzzy nice-compactness. Another proof of the Tychonoff theorem on the L-fuzzy nice-compactness is given.
- Alexander Graham Bell曾告訴家人,他更愿意讓后人記住他是聾子的老師,而非電話(huà)的發(fā)明者。Alexander Graham Bell once told his family that he would rather be remembered as a teacher of the deaf than as the inventor of the telephone.
- 29. Alexander Graham bell曾告訴家人,他更愿意讓后人記住他是聾子的老師,而非電話(huà)的發(fā)明者。29. Alexander Graham Bell once told his family that he would rather be remembered as a teacher of the deaf than as the inventor of the telephone.
- Barron必須根據Alexander的老照片為他恢復整個(gè)面部和毛發(fā),并把它戴在他新移植的、尚且脆弱的皮膚上。Barron had to build an entire face and hair from photos of Alexander's old face, and suspend it above his fragile skin grafts.
- 模式語(yǔ)言理論由Christopher Alexander 提出,主要闡述一種設計方法,一種動(dòng)態(tài)的、大眾化的設計理念。The theory of pattern language by Christopher Alexander mainly expounds a kind of design method, a principle of design.
- 首先構建Xm-6/c-myc真核表達載體,并將其轉染Alexander細胞,免疫組化實(shí)驗證明重組的c-mvc基因可在肝細胞中表達。The expression vectors, Xm-6/c-myc was first constructed and their expression possibilities were examined in Alexander cells by immunocytochemistry.
- 1996年,家住Indiana州的Tim alexander上班途中想在當地一家便利店前停車(chē)喝杯咖啡,但是就在此時(shí)他的生活徹底改變了。Jim Alexander was just stopping at a local convenience store for a cup of coffee on his way to work in 1996, but then his life changed.
- 在Indiana州Petersburgh市家中深居簡(jiǎn)出的alexander視力模糊,成天拿個(gè)放大鏡查看信箱,聽(tīng)聽(tīng)歷史頻道或書(shū)的錄音帶,以此來(lái)消磨時(shí)光。After retreating into his Petersburgh, Indiana home, Alexander, his vision fuzzy, spent his time checking his mail with a magnifier or listening to The History Channel or books on tape.