- Alb形態(tài)Alb species
- 高Alb聚氯化鋁high-Alb polyaluminum chloride
- 電解制備聚合鋁過(guò)程中Alb形態(tài)生成條件研究Conditions for Alb polymer formation in electrochemical production of polyaluminum chloride
- Alb聚鋁離子穩定性的溫度效應及硫酸鹽沉淀形態(tài)Effect of Temperature on the Stability of Alb Polyaluminum Ion and the Modality of Sulfate Precipitates
- 染毒后血清中ACP、AKP、ALB、TP有所升高,但無(wú)劑量效應關(guān)系;In serum the amount of ACP ,AKP ,ALB ,TP, IgG, IgA in exposed groups were higher than those in saline eontrol, and has no a dose dependent.
- CRF各組Alb、Pre-A、TRF等營(yíng)養參數低于對照組(P<0.05)。Each group in CRF had significantly higher concentrations of BUN,Scr(P<0.001) and lower concentrations of Alb,Pre-A,TRF(P>0.05)than control group.
- HD組低密度脂蛋白(LDL)、白蛋白(ALB)與HD前CRP的濃度分別呈正相關(guān)和負相關(guān)。Before HD, p lasm a concentration of CRP was negative correlate w ith ALB and positive correlated w ith LDL.
- 早期治療SLE腎損害療效較為明顯 ,尿TRF及alb可作為較為敏感的療效觀(guān)察指標。Early therapy may get better effect, TRF and ALB can act as predictors of therapeutic effect.
- 目的 :觀(guān)察 14 7例 2型糖尿病病人的尿轉鐵蛋白 (TRf)及白蛋白 (ALb)水平。Objective: To define TRf and ALb levels in urina.
- TBil、ALT、GGT上升及Alb、A/G比值、PTA下降均與肝組織炎癥程度加重有關(guān)。The grade of necroinflammatory activity of CHB was associated with the rising TB11, ALT, GGT and the declining AIB, A/G and PTA.
- 血生化檢測發(fā)現感染后ALT和AST極顯著(zhù)升高(P<0.01),ALB極顯著(zhù)降低(P<0.01)。ALT and AST showed remarkably significant increase(P<0.01); RDW decreased significantly(P<0.05).
- 陰性對照組小鼠肝組織未見(jiàn)人ALB及CK19陽(yáng)性表達,血清及肝組織勻漿中未檢測出人ALB。No positive expression of human ALB and CK19 were observed in liver tissues and no human ALB was detected in sera of negative control group.
- 其中尿Alb/Cr正常者中,TRF/Cr升高者占61.54%,當尿Alb/Cr升高,TRF/Cr均同時(shí)升高;TRF/Cr ratio was found to be higher in 61.54%25 patients with normal urinary albumin excretion whereas in 100%25 cases with increased Alb/Cr ratio.
- 檢測卒中急性期TG及Alb變化有助于反映患者的營(yíng)養狀況,對其水平進(jìn)行監測,有助于預測預后。The changes of serum Alb and TG levels during acute stroke may help to reflect the nutritional status of patients,and monitoring their levels is helpful to predict the prognosis.
- 去甲斑蝥素干預后,腎病大鼠除Alb升高(P<0.01)外,上述其余指標均顯著(zhù)降低(P<0.05或0.01);After intervention with NCTD, the above-mentioned parameters, except that Alb enhanced significantly(P <0.01 ), all decreased significantly (P < 0.05 or 0.01).
- 5 d后用SABC-Cy3免疫熒光(紅色)雙標后在激光共聚焦顯微鏡下分別觀(guān)察hMAPCs表達Alb、AFP、CK18的情況。Five days later, the cells were double-stained with SABC-Cy3. The expressions of Alb, AFP, CK18 in MAPCs were observed under LSCM.
- 由于存在氫鍵相互作用,DLC對Alb的吸附量明顯高于DF,而DF對Fg、IgG,石墨對Fg都表現出了更高的吸附活性;It has been shown from results that:(1) the adsorptive amounts of Alb on DLC are more than those on DF, while the adsorptive activity of Fg on DF and graphite, and IgG on DF are apparently more than that on DLC, for the action of hydrogen bond;
- 對術(shù)后第2天、術(shù)后第9天營(yíng)養預后指數(PNI)、總蛋白(TP)、白蛋白(Alb)、前白蛋白(PAB)、轉鐵蛋白(TF)監測。Prognostic nutritional index(PNI), total protein( TP), albumin ( Alb), prealbumin ( PAB),and transferrin ( TF) were measured on the second day and the ninthday after transplantation respectively.
- 觀(guān)察治療前后各組大鼠血糖、糖化血紅蛋白(HbA_1c)、尿微量白蛋白(m-Alb)、血清肌酐(SCr)、血尿素氮(BUN)的變化。Changes of blood glucose (BG),HbA_1c,urinary microalbumin(m-Alb),serum creatinine(SCr)and blood urea nitrogen(BUN)before and after treatment were ob- served.
- 哈薩克牛 Tf、Ptf、Alb和 Pa等 4個(gè)蛋白位點(diǎn)分別有 4、2、2和 3種表型 ,分別受 3、2、2和 2個(gè)共顯性等位基因支配。The number for phenotypes of four protein loci, including Tf,Ptf,Alb and Pa in Hasake cattle is 4,2,2 and 3,which is controlled by 3,2,2 and 2 condominant allies respecticely.