After discussing the trunking scheme of PABX,the paper intro- duces the design and implementation of Digital Trunk Module-DTM. The DTM is based on MH89780 (CETP Digital Trunk Interface Hybrid) and MT8980 (Digi- tal Time/space Crosspoint Switch) LSI chips.

  • 本文史介紹一種程控用戶(hù)交換機數字中繼模塊的實(shí)現方法。 它以加拿大 MITEL 公司的MH89780數字中繼接口芯片(CEPT Digital Trunk Interface Hybrid)和 MT8980(8×32)時(shí)隙交換矩陣芯片(Digital Time/Space Crosspoint Switch)為基礎來(lái)實(shí)現數字中繼接口功能。
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