- 5×12得605 × 12 gives 60.
- 從前有個(gè)時(shí)期,你可以花上半個(gè)克朗(12。5便士)看上一場(chǎng)電影。At one time you could go to the pictures for half a crown(121/2 pence).
- 60年代sixties
- "我一周最多只能給你增加60元。" "我恐怕不能接受。""Another %2460 a week is all I can offer." "I suppose you know what you can do with that."
- 10是5的倍數。10 is a multiple of 5.
- 5年前,我60歲時(shí)退休了。I bowed out five years ago when I was sixty.
- 5至12歲的兒童children ranging in age from 5 to 12
- 5加7等於12.5 and 7 make 12.
- 12/60順序多項分析器Sequential Multiple Analysis-12 different serotests in 60 minutes; SMA 12/60
- 圖5參12[Ch,5 fig.12 ref.]
- 順序多項分析器12/60Sequential Multiple Analyzer; SMA 12/60
- 鈷(60Co), 鈷60(半衰期5.26年)Cobalt-60
- 5.12地震Earthquake 5.12
- 請給我60美元10元票面的,20美元5元票面的。Please give me sixty dollars in tens and twenty dollars in fives.
- 5 加7等于 12。5 and 7 make 12.
- 連續多項分析-60分鐘內12種不同血清檢驗Sequential Multiple Analysis-12 different serotests in 60 minutes; SMA 12/60
- 12 減 5,剩 7。Take 5 from 12 and you're left with 7.
- 結果60%的病例矯正視力在0.5以上。Results 60%25 of the patients regained correction vision of 0.5 bor better.
- "血壓14.7/12.0千帕(110/90毫米汞柱),脈率60次/分""Her Blood pressure was 14.7/12.0kPa (110/90mmHg), her pulse rate 60/min"
- 癌抗原12-5Cancer antigen 12-5