- PGE2prostaglandin E2
- 她的家史可追溯到15世紀。Her family can trace its history back to the 15th century.
- PGE2含量The content of PGE2
- 那位長(cháng)官宣布每張殺死的狼皮付15美元的賞金。The sheriff announced a bounty of 15 dollars for the pelt of every coyote killed.
- 天麻糖蛋白PGE2-1PGE2-1
- 15減5得10。15 minus 5 leaves 10.
- 用放射免疫方法檢測PGE2的濃度。PGE2 was detected by3H- PGE2 RIA Kit.
- 增高(15%)There was a(15%25) elevation in......
- PGE2 與 APU脾胃濕熱證的形成有一定關(guān)系。PGE 2 level of ADU correlates with the WPS.
- 15至18世紀使用的粗體字型。a heavy typeface in use from 15th to 18th centuries.
- 將15和24相乘。to multiply 15 and 24.
- 能顯著(zhù)地降低小鼠氣管和肺組織中的PGE2 含量。CDCA significantly decreased the content of PGE 2 of trachea and lung tissue in mice.
- 右舷15度,40鏈!Starboard 15°,40 cables!
- 顳頜關(guān)節內紊亂癥治療前后關(guān)節滑液中PGE2的水平變化The change of PGE 2 level in synovial fluid of TMJID patients following intra articular prednisone acetate injection
- 15歲至20歲的男孩消化力極強。Boys of fifteen to twenty years old have the digestion of an ostrich.
- 15可被3和5除盡.15 is divisible by 3 and 5.
- 練習15分鐘。Practise for 15 minutes.
- 最低溫度大約是攝氏度零下15度。The lowest temperature is about fifteen degrees below zero centigrade.
- 30減15take 15 from 30.
- 他們種了15英畝玉米。They cropped 15 acres with corn.