



  • - (向著(zhù)同一個(gè)方向) in the same direction as; with:

    go downstream; 順流而下

    clockwise 順時(shí)針?lè )较?/strong>

    - (依著(zhù)自然情勢; 沿著(zhù)) along; in the direction of:

    go up the mountain along the path; 順小道上山

    Water runs along the channel to the fields. 水順著(zhù)渠道流進(jìn)田地里。

  • - (有條理) clear and well-written:

    This essay is grammatically smooth and readable. 這篇作文寫(xiě)得還順。

    - (依次) in sequence:

    These are serial numbers. 這些號碼是一順的。

  • - (使有條理次序) arrange; put in order:

    Set the boat in order. 把船順過(guò)來(lái)。

    This essay needs polishing. 這篇文章還得順一順。

    - (適合;如意) be suitable; be agreeable:

    not fall in with his wishes 不順他的意

    - (趁便) take the opportunity to:

    I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to you the assurances of my highest consideration. 順致最崇高的敬意。

    - (順從) obey; yield to; act in submission to:

    docile and obedient; all obedience; 百依百順

    We can't always humour the child the way we do. 不能總是順著(zhù)孩子。

  • - (姓氏) a surname:

    Shun Ren 順仁



  1. 我謹祝您一切順利。
    I'd like to wish you every success.
  2. 小船穩穩地順著(zhù)運河突突地航行。
    The boat chugged along the canal.
  3. 我們進(jìn)展順利。
    We're getting along swimmingly.
  4. 他順著(zhù)山脊走。
    He walked along the mountain ridge.
  5. 做飯的味道順著(zhù)走廊飄過(guò)來(lái)。
    Cooking smells wafted along the hall.
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