



  • - (憑借別的東西的支持立著或豎起來; 倚靠) lean against [on]:

    lean a ladder against a wall; 把梯子靠在墻上

    sit back to back; 背靠背坐著

    - (接近; 挨近) get close to; be near to:

    The ship has docked. 船已經靠碼頭了。

    The sanatorium stands by the sea. 療養院靠海。

    - (依靠) depend on; rely on:

    rely on one's own efforts; 靠自已的努力

    A man's success depends chiefly on himself. 一個人的成功主要靠自已。

    - (信賴) trust:

    reliable; trustworthy; 可靠

    He is a man to be relied upon.; He is reliable. 他這人靠得住。

  • - (沿著) (keep) to; (get) near:

    All vehicles should keep to the right. 車輛一律靠右走。

    - (憑; 根據) by; by dint of; on:

    by the sweat of one's brow; 靠辛勤勞動

    by one's wits; 靠小聰明



  1. 他完全是靠個人的魅力,說服他們和他在一起干。
    He persuaded them to join him by the sheer magnetism of his personality.
  2. 大多數植物靠種子繁殖。
    Most plants propagate by seed.
  3. 我們全靠自己完成了這項工作。
    We finished the job all by ourselves.
  4. 許多富商靠極其殘酷地踐踏別人而爬了上去。
    Many a rich businessman reached the top by trampling on others in the most brutal way.
  5. 他靠不屈不撓的精神獲勝。
    He took the palm by perseverance.
  6. 他把腳踏車靠在籬笆上。
    He propped his bicycle up against the fence.
  7. 他靠打獵謀生。
    He earns a living by hunting.
  8. 他只能靠微薄的收入來養家。
    He had to support his family with his meager income.


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