- 選舉難分軒輊,但最終共和黨獲得了多數選票。The election was almost too close to call, but in the end, the Republicans had the majority.
- 佛羅里達:共和黨眾議員康尼·麥克,為了贏(yíng)得即將退休的民主黨奇尼斯的參院席位,曾試圖給民主黨溫和派眾議員麥凱扣上一頂自派的帽子。根據意測驗,兩人難分軒輊。Florida- To win retiring Democrat Lawton Chiles'Senate seat,GOP Rep. Connie Mack has tired to pin the liberal label on Rep. Buddy MacKay,a moderate Democrat. Polls show the race too close to call.
- 佛羅里達[選情]:共和黨眾議員康尼 麥克,為了贏(yíng)得即將退休的民主黨奇尼斯的參院席位,曾試圖給民主黨溫和派眾議員麥凱扣上一頂自派的帽子。根據意測驗,兩人難分軒輊。Florida- To win retiring Democrat Lawton Chiles' Senate seat, GOP Rep. Connie Mack has tired to pin the liberal label on Rep. Buddy MacKay, a moderate Democrat. Polls show the race too close to call.
- 他與精英人物不分軒輊。He took rank with those others, the superior.
- 佛羅里達[選情]:共和黨眾議員康尼·麥克,為了贏(yíng)得即將退休的民主黨奇尼斯的參院席位,曾試圖給民主黨溫和派眾議員麥凱扣上一頂自派的帽子。根據意測驗,兩人難分軒輊。Florida- To win retiring Democrat Lawton Chiles' Senate seat, GOP Rep. Connie Mack has tired to pin the liberal label on Rep. Buddy MacKay, a moderate Democrat. Polls show the race too close to call.
- 韓國放送公社說(shuō),敵對候選人在南部濟州島的得票不分軒輊,SBS則預測大國家黨在該選區贏(yíng)得勝利。KBS said that the votes the opposing parties are going to get in the southern island province of Cheju are likely to be very close, but SBS predicts that the GNP will win in that precinct.
- 其他科目也各有各的用處,其重要性很難強分軒輊,例如體育,從另一方面看也是重要得無(wú)以復加。Other subjects also have their respective uses. It is hard to say which is more important. Physical education, for example, is also extremely important from another point of view.
- 軒輊good or bad
- 這樣微妙的局勢很難控制。It is hard to have the tender situation in hand.
- 再分subdivide
- 宇宙的廣大很難想像。It is difficult to imagine the magnitude of the universe.
- 餾分cut fraction
- 颶風(fēng)造成了許多船難。The hurricane caused many wrecks.
- 大旱之后土地難耕。The land ploughs hard after the drought.
- 無(wú)甚軒輊There is nothing to choose between the two
- 這孩子相當難弄。This child is quite a handful.
- 強盜們把贓物分了。The robbers divided up their spoils.
- 他的慷慨令我感激難言。I was overwhelmed by his generosity.
- 這些學(xué)生經(jīng)濟上十分困難。These students are in serious financial straits.
- 這個(gè)計劃很難完成。This plan is difficult of accomplishment.