



  • - (跟; 跟隨) follow:

    When in Rome do as the Romans do. 入鄉隨俗。

    Follow me.; Come along with me. 隨我來。

    - (順從) comply with; adapt to:

    yield and comply; 隨順

    So long as what you do is right, I'll go along with you. 只要你們做得對,我都隨著。

    - (任憑; 由著) let (sb. do as he likes):

    Whether you go or not is up to you.; You may go or not, as you wish. 去不去隨你。

    Do as you please. 隨你的便。

    - (順便) along with (some other action):

    Please close the door as you go out.; Please shut the door after you. 請你隨手把門帶上。

    - (像) look like; resemble:

    He looks like his father, and talks like his mother. 他長得隨他父親,說話的神情隨他母親。

  • - (姓氏) a surname:

    Sui Chang 隨暢



  1. 他對事業的熱情激勵著他的追隨者。
    His ardour for the cause inspired his followers.
  2. 他是追隨者,不是領導者。
    He's a follower, not a leader.
  3. 雙方隨後不可避免地爭吵起來。
    Inevitably, a quarrel followed between the two sides.
  4. 我還不想公開我那些會引起爭論的觀點,寧可暫且隨大溜。
    Not wanting to make my controversial views known yet, I preferred to follow the crowd for a while.
  5. 小男孩跟隨他父親出去了。
    The little boy followed his father out.
  6. 他的話在他的追隨者中引起許多爭論。
    His words caused a great deal of dissention among his followers.
  7. 許多古希臘人都是蘇格拉底的追隨者。
    Many ancient Greeks were followers of Socrates.
  8. 你總是隨心所欲而不考慮我們的情感。
    You always follow your own inclination instead of thinking of our feelings.


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