- 在幾年之中,他就從一位誠實(shí)而受人尊敬的將軍變成一個(gè)阿諛?lè )钣?、毫無(wú)骨氣、虛偽之極的臣仆。From an honorable, solidly respectable general he had developed in the course of years into a servile flatterer with all the wrong instincts.
- 在幾年之中,他就從一位誠實(shí)而受人尊敬的將軍變成一個(gè)阿諛?lè )钣?、毫無(wú)骨氣、虛偽之極的臣仆。From an honorable, solidly respectable general he had developed in the course of years into a servile flatterer with all the wrong instincts.
- 他這個(gè)人從不奉迎上級。He never flatters his superiors.
- 不為阿諛所動(dòng)be proof against flattery
- 阿拉丁Aladdin
- 你不可聽(tīng)信他的阿諛之詞。You must not fall for his flatteries.
- 阿爾卑斯山Alps
- 迎親send a party to escort the bride to the groom's home
- 賢明的君主不會(huì )要臣下阿諛?lè )暧?/a>A wise king would not want his officials to lick his spittle.
- 按此地址函索即免費寄奉樣品。Write now to this address and we will send you a free sample by return.
- 學(xué)生忙著(zhù)復習迎考。The students are busy reviewing for a test.
- 阿爾卑斯Alps
- 他奉令狙擊任何在營(yíng)地附近走動(dòng)的人。He was ordered to snipe at anyone moving about the camp.
- 阿巴斯港Bandar Abbas
- 學(xué)生們忙于溫課迎考。The students are busy revising for the examination.
- 這些諛詞出口的時(shí)候好象有些心不在焉精神錯亂的樣子。These complimentary expressions were uttered in a somewhat absent and distracted manner.
- 阿魏asafetida
- 上門(mén)迎親。The bridegroom goes to the bride's home to escort her to the wedding.
- 阿片opium
- 笑迎友人salute a friend with a smile