- 國泰航空亦捐贈音樂(lè )會(huì )門(mén)券予本地弱勢社群的兒童出席音樂(lè )會(huì )。Cathay Pacific has also donated AYO concert tickets to local community groups for the underprivileged children to take part in the concert.
- 門(mén)door
- 為方便管理入場(chǎng)人數及避免展廳過(guò)份擠迫,參觀(guān)時(shí)間以半小時(shí)為一節,參觀(guān)者領(lǐng)取門(mén)券時(shí),須選取參觀(guān)時(shí)間。To ensure a safe and comfortable environment, admission to the exhibition is regulated by half-hourly sessions. Visitors are required to select a time-slot when they collect the tickets.
- 出門(mén)be away from home
- 門(mén)的portal
- 開(kāi)門(mén)open (the) door
- 代金券coupons; food coupons
- 金券gold note
- 門(mén)禁entrance guard
- 門(mén)派school
- 江門(mén)Jiangmen
- 票券finance bills
- 代用券token
- 照門(mén)aperture
- 融券securities loan
- 安全門(mén)exit
- 艷照門(mén)Nude Picture Scandal
- 門(mén)店shops
- 門(mén)把手doorknob
- 門(mén)人scholar