- 很多國家采用共和政體。Many countries have a republican form of government.
- 太多高中老師只是采用填鴨方法灌輸學(xué)生。Too many high school teachers just spoon-feed their students.
- 美國貨幣采用十進(jìn)制。United States money has a decimal system.
- 英國貨幣已采用十進(jìn)制。Britain has decimalized her currency.
- 在工廠(chǎng)采用新的先進(jìn)技術(shù)的問(wèn)題是今天的議題。The introduction of new advanced techniques in the factory is under discussion today.
- 采用新式樣to introduce a new fashion
- 勸誘采用說(shuō)服或引誘To use persuasion or inducement.
- 方法,工具為了進(jìn)行某事或達到某種結果而采用的工具或方法A device or means of achieving or effecting a result.
- 因采用新技術(shù)而造成的失業(yè)technological unemployment
- 國家鼓勵企業(yè)采用先進(jìn)的脫硫、除塵技術(shù)。The State encourages enterprises to adopt advanced technology for desulphurization and dust removal.
- 你們采用的是計件工資還是計時(shí)工資?Do you use piece rates or an hour wage?
- 采用一條德文習語(yǔ)to naturalize a German phrase
- 被正式采用為國家的圣歌的一首歌。a song formally adopted as the anthem for a nation.
- 有時(shí)也采用5局3勝制。Sometimes it adopts the system of three victories in five games.
- 采用種種手段resort to all sorts of tricks; use every artifice
- 國際單位制所采用的基本光強度單位。the basic unit of luminous intensity adopted under the System International d'Unites; equal to 1/60 of the luminous intensity per square centimeter of a blackbody radiating at the temperature of 2,046 degrees Kelvin.
- 阻撓在立法機構中采用阻礙策略To use obstructionist tactics in a legislative body.
- 控制電纜必須采用專(zhuān)用電纜。Control cables must be run in a separate conduit.
- 流量調節采用針閥或限流器。Adjustment is provided in the form of a needle-value or restrictor.
- 在溫度標準化中采用鹽溶液。Salt solutions are used in humidity standardization.