- 阻塞性睡眠呼吸暫停低通合征OSAS
- 通open
- 氣smell
- 關(guān)于我國企業(yè)會(huì )計準則和事業(yè)單位會(huì )計準則合一問(wèn)題的思考Thinking on the Combination of Accounting Principles for Enterprises and Non-profit Organization
- 陰和陽(yáng)能量的合一和調和帶來(lái)了卓越的歡樂(lè )和神秘狀態(tài)的體驗。Unification and harmonization of the Yin and Yang energy forces brings the experience of joyous transcendence and mystical ecstacy.
- 他們是通同一氣的。They are in league with each other.
- 一口氣in one breath
- 不通be obstructed
- 不合not conform to
- 口氣(friendly or unfriendly) tone (of comments)
- 通路access
- 事物是知識和價(jià)值的合一--析柏拉圖理念論對"休謨難題"的解決Things are the Combination of Knowledge and Value--Plato's Solution to the "Hume Problem" in his Idea Theory
- 煙氣flue gases
- 共通common
- 合集union
- 三通"three direct links of trade, mail, and air and shipping services across the Taiwan Straits"
- 擬合fitting
- 他不愿束手就擒,于是對著(zhù)敵人掃射了一氣,直到槍膛空空如也。He refused to go down without a fight and emptied his magazine on the enemies.
- 貼合joint
- 想通be enlightened