



  • - (連接) link; join; connect:

    His heart is linked with the hearts of the masses. 他和群眾心連心。

    The sky and the water seem to merge. 天連水,水連天。

    - (連累) involve (in trouble); implicate:

    be implicative of each other 互相牽連

    - (縫) sew:

    sewing and mending; 縫縫連連

    sew two pieces of cloth together 把兩塊布連在一起

  • - (軍隊的編制單位) company:

    a company of foot 一連步兵

    - (連詞) conjunction
    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Lian Cheng 連稱

  • - (連續; 接續) in succession; one after another; repeatedly:

    sing five songs one after another; 連唱了5支歌

    send three telegrams in succession 連發三封電報

    - (甚至) even:

    He was so busy that he even forgot to write home. 他忙得連家信都忘了寫。

    I didn't even give a thought. 我連想都沒有想過。

  • - (包括在內) including:

    This dictionary is 100 yuan, postage included. 這本詞典連郵費共100元。

    There are ten people in this office including me. 這個辦公室連我共有10人。



  1. 這里一連好幾天都是雨天。
    There are a succession of rainy days here.
  2. 這條路把所有的新城鎮都連接起來了。
    The road links all the new towns.
  3. 我在街上遇到她,可是當我向她微笑時,她卻連招呼都沒有向我打一個。
    I passed her in the street but she didn't even acknowledge me when I smiled.
  4. 他連看都沒看一眼,就稱頌她的新衣服。
    He complimented her on her new dress without even looking at it.
  5. 他虛弱得連手都抬不起來。
    He was too weak even to lift his hand.
  6. 即使絞盡腦汁,他還是連一個例子也想不出來。
    Even after racking his brains he couldn't think of a single example.
  7. 他被任命為步槍連連長。
    He was appointed captain of a company of rifles.
  8. 他把釘子掉到了地上,聽見了一連串的叮當聲。
    He dropped the nails on the ground and successive clangs were heard.


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