- 責難censure
- 他老是在斥責部屬。He is always snapping at his subordinates.
- 他大聲發(fā)出責難。He ranted out his denunciation.
- 她老是斥責自己的子女。She is always scolding her children.
- 導師嚴厲地斥責了不用功的學(xué)生。The tutor flayed the idle students.
- 他是無(wú)可責難的。He is above reproach.
- 斥責責罵或責備A scolding or reprimand.
- 文章中勾劃出的保健計劃在我聽(tīng)來(lái)似乎很合理,卻遭到很多公眾的責難。The health program outlined in the article seems very sound to me; but it has met with considerable public outcry.
- 譴責生氣地斥責某人To reprimand someone angrily.
- 被責難的condemned
- 那父親因他兒子逃學(xué),嚴厲地斥責了他一頓。The father sailed into his son for his playing truant.
- 冷對責難Froze at the rebuke.
- 她公開(kāi)斥責那位大臣言論失當.She rapped the Minister publicly for his indiscreet remarks.
- 喬戈斯默默地接受了責難,雖然他并不是非這樣做不可。Georgos accepted the rebuke silently, though he didn't have to.
- 給予嚴厲的斥責administer a stern reproof
- 責難的inculpatory
- 我只是輕微的斥責使他脫離了困境。I let him off the hook with a mild reprimand.
- 責難地accusingly
- 警察斥責駕駛員開(kāi)車(chē)太魯莽。The policeman bawled out the driver for reckless driving.
- 責難者reproacher