



  • - (負擔) burden; load:

    as if relieved of a heavy load 如釋重負

    - (虧損) loss:

    deficit; debt 虧負

    - (失?。?defeat:

    victory or defeat not yet decided; 勝負未卜

    end in a draw; end in a tie; break even; 不分勝負

  • - (背) carry on the back or shoulder; bear:

    bear [carry] a heavy burden ; 負重荷

    carry firewood on one's back 負薪

    - (擔負) shoulder; take on ; bear:

    assume responsibility; 負責任

    shoulder an important task 身負重任

    - (依仗; 依靠) count on; rely on:

    fight hard by relying on strategic strength; 負固死戰

    put up a stubborn defence by relying on one's strategic position; 負險固守

    - (遭受) suffer:

    be blamed; bear the blame; 負謗

    suffer an injustice; be wronged 負屈

    - (享有) enjoy:

    have long enjoyed a good reputation 久負盛名

    - (虧欠; 拖欠) bear debt; own:

    be in debt 負債

    - (背棄; 違背) betray:

    fail to live up to; 辜負

    break a promise; 負約

    - (失?。?lose; be defeated:

    lose the matc 負于對手

  • - (小于零的) negative; minus:

    negative angle; 負角

    negative sign; 負號

    - {電}(得到電子的) negative



  1. 司機應該對這場車禍負部分責任。
    The driver must bear a portion of the blame for the accident.
  2. 英格蘭隊負于澳大利亞隊。
    England lost to Australia.
  3. 姑不論勝負,這場比賽想必十分精彩。
    Win or lose, it should be a very good match.
  4. 他因自小失去雙親,總覺得處處受人欺負。
    Having lost both his parents when he was a child he always felt that the dice were loaded against him.
  5. 要由新娘的父母來負擔婚禮所需的費用嗎?
    Do the bride's parents have to bear the cost of the wedding?


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