- 誘餌stool pigeon
- 小魚(yú)吞下誘餌。The little fish took the bait.
- 獵人在陷阱里下了誘餌。The hunter baited his traps.
- 替警方作誘餌的人a police decoy
- 誘鳥(niǎo),誘餌用來(lái)把獵物誘捕入陷阱或誘捕入射擊范圍的活的或假的鳥(niǎo)或其它動(dòng)物A living or artificial bird or other animal used to entice game into a trap or within shooting range.
- 紅外誘餌彈infrared decoy projectile
- 蟲(chóng)子可作誘餌。A worm will serve as bait.
- 誘餌,圇子用來(lái)捕捉動(dòng)物的誘餌,尤指用來(lái)捕捉魚(yú)的人造誘餌A decoy used in catching animals, especially an artificial bait used in catching fish.
- 投入水底引魚(yú)的誘餌ground bait
- 用曳繩釣(魚(yú))在一條緩慢移動(dòng)的船后面拖曳一根放了誘餌的線(xiàn)來(lái)釣(魚(yú))To fish for by trailing a baited line from behind a slowly moving boat.
- 經(jīng)常被釣魚(yú)者用作誘餌的瘦小的歐洲淡水魚(yú)。small slender European freshwater fish often used as bait by anglers.
- 誘餌站bait-station
- 誘餌劑attractant
- 誘餌彈decoy missile
- 重誘餌heavy decoy
- 魚(yú)餌誘餌Bait/beItbet/n food or imitation food put on a hook to catch fish or placed in nets,traps,etc to attract prey
- 上鉤抓住或吞下誘餌To take or swallow bait.
- 聲誘餌acousta dummy
- 誘餌錢(qián)bait money
- 沒(méi)有剛毛的箭豬尸體是吸引大型食肉動(dòng)物非常好的誘餌。Without its quills, this porcupine carcass will make a good bait for attracting large carnivores.