



  • - (服裝) dress; outfit; attire; clothing:

    in beautiful dress; attire; 盛裝

    uniform; 軍裝

    - (演員的化裝品) stage makeup and costume:

    dress and put on makeup or costume; 著(zhù)裝

    remove stage makeup and costume 卸裝

  • - (修飾; 打扮) adorn; dress up; trim; decorate; attire; play the part [role] of; deck; act:

    trim an arch in celebration of National Day; 裝牌樓慶國慶

    He acts as an old man in the play. 他裝老頭兒。

    - (假裝) pretend; make believe; disguise; feign:

    disguise; 喬裝

    pretend foolishness; 裝憨兒

    - (把東西放進(jìn)器物內; 把物品放在運輸工具上) hold; pack; load:

    hold the grain in the barn; 把糧食裝進(jìn)倉

    pack clothes into a trunk 把衣服裝入箱內

    - (裝配; 安裝) furnish; fit; assemble; install:

    provide a ship with radar equipment; 為船只裝上雷達設備

    install a heating apparatus; 安裝暖氣裝置



  1. 她穿著(zhù)紐約杰出設計師設計的服裝。
    She was dressed by a leading New York designer.
  2. 我們在晚會(huì )上要裝扮得像電影中的角色,這是一個(gè)多么新奇的主意??!
    We are supposed to dress up as movie characters for the party, what a novel idea!
  3. 這件傳統服裝是靛藍色的。
    This traditional costume is of indigo blue.
  4. 她那滑稽的服裝引得客人哄堂大笑。
    Her funny costumecaused much mirth among the guests.
  5. 他的家裝飾得非常華麗。
    His house is lavishly adorned.
  6. 附近的時(shí)裝店正在大拍賣(mài)。
    The local dress shop is having a sale.


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